


Part1 拖時間技巧

well, in my opinion

Sorry,could you repeat it again?

Pat2 開頭技巧

1.When it comes to Ving ……The first thing we should consider is the+/+plays a very important

2. In addition to(1) ++should also be taken into consideration.

3. What's more, in my opinion, ++is also a very important factor when you……

Part3 表示贊同

Absolutely! I m quite here with u

you are right,it's a very good idea

I can not agree more.

Yea,as I was saying……正如我剛才說的


I m sorry to hear that……


In my opinion, it is essential that company should ofter training program……

It's necessary for our company to

I suggest that

We should also consider /sth should be taken into consideration that, can/will……

Company can offer/introduce/provide/offer/set up/establish/ attach great importance to

pay attention to (flexitime/flexible working hours)

so that/in this way……

employees will feel less stressed and happier both at work and at home

Employees can retain a healthy balance between work and life

There's less conflict between work and home life

2.總結 which Helps/encourages/enables/motivate employees to achieve

Which enhances/improve/promote(efficiency)(skills),which contributes to、

3.If ……sb. will/can

If team members develop a strong awareness of cooperation

They wll understand each other 's capabilities and limitation

Make collective efforts to achieve the common obj ectives/goals and ensure a higher level of work efficiency.

4.When……they will /can

With necessary skills, they can deal with the routine work more effectively


主語 (our) company Interviewer/recruiting department


Timely communication及時溝通 Group Decision making集體決策

Mutual trus共同信任 full cooperation通力合作 time management時間管理

Have a direct impact on the success and failure of the team對於團隊成功與否有直接影響

激動員工的做法( (motivation)

offer extra allowance提供額外津貼[ benefit package

set up benefit system建立福利制度{ rewarding system)

introduce bonus scheme引進福利金項目 Introduce more benefit programmes引進更多福利項目

Introduce Flexitime/ flexible working hours彈性工作時間

Flexible benefit programmes like childcare兒童託管

Create a pleasant working environment創造和諧工作環境

Provide exercise facilities to enhance employees'heam提供鍛鍊設施增強體質

Provide training programmes/session提供培訓

offer employees opportunity for promotion /promote high-potential staff……when employees

get promoted

金句 Have a better understanding o更好地瞭解

Have a better working performance有更好的工作表現

Have a bad influence on company development

Share a trusting relationship相互信任 Feel free to express their views自由表達觀點

Understand each other's capabilities and limitations瞭解對方的能力與不足

Communicate with each other timely/effectively及時溝通/有效溝通

Bring out potentials and creativity of individual激發潛能和個人創造力

Make collective effort to achieve the common goals共同努力達到公司目標

Ensure high level of working efficiency確保工作高效

cooperate with each other more effectively合作得更有效率

Balance work and daily life平衡工作與家庭

Manage time better更好管理時間

Become more organized and feel ease with routine work變得有序且輕鬆應對日常工作

Better ad ust to work pressure更好話應工作壓力

Strive for long-term prospects and growth力爭長遠發展

Have/undertake the social responsibility to protect the environment承擔社會責任保護環境

Minimize waste in operations減少浪費 Will Pay of獲得回報



Well, I think it is a good idea that.

Yes, we need to figure out the focus of

Yes, I quite agree with you

When team members are motivated, they can give good pertormance in work

Nurture team dynamics培養團隊活力 Drive team success引導團隊勝利

Form an effective team建立有效率的團隊 develop employees' motivation

improve communication within the team提高團隊溝通

Develop strong awareness of cooperation養強烈的合作意識

怎樣增強團隊精神( Promote team spirit)

Provide team building games團隊建設遊戲 outdoor activities raft ing/rock climbing

Offer training programmes on team building提供團隊建設培訓

Revitalize morale激發士氣

increase productivity/enable employees to be more productive增加產量



apply for a job/position as申請職位 interviewing skills試技能

career development職業發展 personal quality個人品質

The ability to think objectively客觀思考的能力

招聘廣告內容 location /name address/ telephone/family members

time-consuming耗時的 company reputaton公司名聲

affect the satisfaction of影響滿意度

appraise and improve performance評估和提升員工表現

Attach great importance to/ pay attention to重視

deal with ditterent people和不同的人打交道處理 raise questions提出問題


Previous experience經驗

Job- related skills工作相關技能

qualification 資質

Personality tst like to be challenged /optimistic/solve problem independently

Educational background教育背景 applicants who are well educated is preferable

Competitive wages /high salary


總: The advertisement should be well-designed and cover the general information of our company

on such as time / address/ contact details

1. Get information of the applicant's family status家庭狀況

2. Have experience in association with people from various/different backgrounds


3. The description of applicant's qualification 諮詢描述

4Career needs of the applicants 職業要求

5 specitic salary確切工資 basic salary 基本工資

廣告招聘 ob advertisement Advertise the post廣告招聘

Nowadays, advertising is one of the most common methods of attracting applicants

招聘方法 to fill the job vacancy填補職位空缺

1有影響力的當地報紙 we can put an job advertisement in the Influential local newspaper or on the

internet / Advertise the job vacancy in the newspaper and magazine

one of most effective way of finding approprate candidate recruiting right people

2網絡招聘 esign a recruiting website and advertise the job on the intemet

3. business card

4代理公司幫助 selecting staff is difficult and time-consuming and our manager lack the skills of finding

the right people so ask a recruitment agency company to do the recruitment job for us

be suitable for /be interested in

Attract new staff/qualified staf吸引新員工有資歷的員工

Like to work in a company with good reputation在聲譽好的公司工作

Form a reliable company image建立可靠的企業形象

Company with good reputation usually has good management systems and the space/opportunity for

positon promotion好的管理模式和吾升空間機會

Publication出版物 applicants申請人 Advertisement廣告 company image公司形象

Fill the vacancy填補空位 Attract ideal applicant吸引理想員工

It is also important to consider advertising fee/cost

Be around the company s budget在預算之間

Newspaper is the most cheapest way of reaching large numbers of readers

The money we invest will surely pay o"投資青定會取得回報

publicize our company宣傳公司


Reduce staff turnover /keep staff turnover low減少員工流失

Career development職業發展 talents人

Practice慣例業務實踐 retain留住 recruit the best employees

Recruit the right/appropriate sta招聘合適的員工

It is time for us toto lace the problem and solve the problem, or we will lose more talents and suffer

Quit for individual reasons, such as problem concerning family, career growth, space for promotion

減少人才流失方法 make constructive suggestion建設性意見

1.promote high-potential managerial staffs to higher position.

2 Hire staff members who are a good match for the positon

3 Target at the ideal candidates以理想應聘者為目標 Ensure candidate's skills match the job確保候詵人

4. It is better tor to find out why the candidate left the previous/last job


In order to beat the competitors打敗競爭對手

Attract existing and potential customers吸引現有和潛在客戶

Boot the sales of the product增加該商品的銷量


1做市場調查 dovconduct market research/survey -Aim at target market/ potential customers對準

市場在客戶- identity target customers

Improve customer satisfaction顧客滿意度

2定價 pricing strategy/set pnces… reasonable/affordable/competitive/moderate

reasonable and competitive價格合理有克爭力 so that our potential will be more willing to buy our marketing網上廣告 internet advertising

publicize product by the intemet宣傳產品 attract online customers網上顧客


carry out sales promotion/promotional activities launch a promotion activity 促銷

provide after-sales service increase customer satisfaction顧客/ enhance brand awareness企業

5 Launch an advertising campaign打廣告

6. Free samples免費樣品 leaflet傳單 loyalty scheme忠實顧客項目 trade show展會

