歐美在線英語 033 A prairie dogs Home 動物的地下之城

我們今天來介紹的是草原土撥鼠吧。此種動物生長於北美草原之中。 這些土撥鼠喜歡群居。 土撥鼠可以住在地下,他們可以挖出很長的洞穴,今天我們來探究他們的地下之城。

Come meet some prairie dogs. See where they live.

This prairie dog lives with many prairie dogs.

You can see some of a prairie dog’s home. The rest is under the land.

Prairie dogs dig with big claws. They dig long paths.


Come into a prairie dog home. Can you see where prairie dogs rest?

Can you see where prairie dogs have things to eat?

Can you see them caring for little prairie dogs?

土撥鼠的地下之城,很各種功用的地方, 看看土撥鼠它們儲存食物的地方在哪裡,他們的臥室,護理室有麼,他們有其它出口麼?

Little prairie dogs come out to play. They eat fresh grass.

One day they will dig new paths for the prairie dog home.