Dale's story-Distortion and reality 扭曲和現實

Hey Jessie, today we're going to talk about the stories we tell ourselves 嘿,傑西,今天我們要談談我們自己的故事

The video talks about how our perceptions are often incomplete... and worse, how human senses are often flawed 這段視頻講述了我們的感知通常是不完整的……更糟糕的是,人類的感知常常是有缺陷的

Maybe you've had a bad test result and felt like you're a failure? 也許你的測試結果很差,你覺得自己失敗了?

Then you are aware that those negative thoughts can often go to extremes, like you'll never do anything right again 然後,你意識到那些消極的想法經常會變得極端,就像你永遠不會再做任何正確的事情一樣

And if you don't recognize that kind of distorted thinking, the world can seem like a story that you can't change 如果你不認識這種扭曲的思維,那麼世界似乎就像是一個無法改變的故事

But you can! 但是你可以!

Sure! To explain, mind if I share an anecdote about my friend Dale? 當然! 為了解釋一下,你介意我分享我朋友戴爾的軼事嗎?

So my coworker Dale is very upset 我的同事戴爾總是很沮喪

He reheated his fish lunch in the microwave and now the office stinks! 他在微波爐裡熱魚午餐,現在辦公室裡


Dale 100% thinks everyone hates him and he feels lonely and hopeless 戴爾堅信每個人都討厭他,他感到孤獨和絕望

So while they cleaned the office, Dale and I sat down to talk it out 所以當他們打掃辦公室的時候,戴爾和我坐下來討論

One distortion we identified was "black-or-white" thinking 我們發現的一種扭曲是“非黑即白”的思維方式

This is where we distort the truth to make it all good or all bad... when in reality, it is somewhere in between 這就是我們歪曲事實的地方,使它變得好或壞…而實際上,它介於兩者之間

Anyway, back to Dale...He was also able to identify another distortion at play: Mind-reading 不管怎樣,回到戴爾…他還發現了另一種扭曲:讀心術

Like a psychic? 像一個巫師?

Exactly! You believe you can tell what other people are thinking 完全正確!你相信你能知道別人在想什麼

As with all good illusions, there's a grain of truth in there somewhere, that's why it's so easy for our brains to believe 就像所有的好幻覺一樣,在某個地方有一縷真理,這就是為什麼我們的大腦很容易相信

It's a trick we play on ourselves 這是我們自己玩的把戲

For Dale, the trick was him believing that the smell of his stinky fish lunch had upset everyone to the point of hating him 對於戴爾來說,訣竅在於他相信自己午餐吃的魚散發出的臭味會讓每個人都不高興,以至於討厭他

When what *actually* upset him was Dale's distorted thinking about his coworkers 當*實際上*讓他不高興的時候,是戴爾對同事的扭曲思考

It's important to understand the power of words and the effect they have in our lives, as well as on the world around us! 重要的是要理解語言的力量,以及它們對我們生活和我們周圍世界的影響!

In the words of Don Miguel Ruiz, "Your words are your power to create" 用唐·米格爾·魯伊斯(Don Miguel Ruiz)的話說,“你的語言就是你創造的力量”

In other words, the stories you create for yourself become your own reality 換句話說,你為自己創建的故事變成了自己的現實

We can really do a lot of damage when we talk to ourselves in a negative way 當我們以消極的方式自言自語時,我們真的會造成很多傷害

Over time these negative thoughts create a story that we believe is 100% true and it begins to shape us 隨著時間的推移,這些消極的想法創造了一個故事,我們相信它是100%真實的,它開始塑造我們

So hey, remember: you can always change that story if you want to 所以,請記住:如果你願意,你可以隨時改變這個故事

And that's what Dale did. After identifying his distortions, he changed his narrative for the better 戴爾就是這麼做的。在認識到他的扭曲之後,他改變了他的敘述

Now, Dale doesn't think his coworkers hate him... but he's also a bit more careful of how he uses the office microwave 現在,戴爾不認為他的同事恨他……但他也更注意如何使用辦公室的微波爐

I hope you can take something away from Dale's experience 我希望你能從戴爾的經歷中學到一些東西

Talk to you later! 以後再聊!