

What are you doing?

I'm writing.

What are you writing?

I'm writing a letter.

What letter are you writing?

I'm writing a letter to my father.

What are you doing?

I'm reading.

What are you reading?

I'm reading a story.

What story are you reading?

I'm reading a story about travels into space.

What are you doing here?

I'm taking a book from the library.

What book are you taking?

I'm taking an English book.

Are you taking it home?


I'm taking it home.

I'm taking it for Clare.

Is Clare learning English?

Yes, she's taking English lessons now.

Is the museum open every day?

No, it's open only on some days.

On what days is it open?

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Is the museum open all day?

No, it's open from 10 in the morning till 7 in the evening on Sundays.

And when is it open on other days?

It's open between 3 and 7 on other days.

You're a student, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

What are you studying?

I'm studying medicine.

Are you taking an examination this year?

Yes, I am.

What examination are you taking?

I'm taking my final examination.

What are all these people doing here?

They're eating and drinking.

What are they eating?

Some are eating meat, others are eating fish.

What are they drinking?

Some are drinking tea, others are drinking coffee.

Are these people waiting?

Yes, they are.

This is a waiting-room.

They are waiting for trains, aren't they?

Yes, they are.

Are all these people waiting for the fast train?

No, only some are waiting for the fast train.

Others are waiting for other trains.

What's this noise?

Somebody's coming.

Oh, it's Joan.

Hallo, Joan.

Hallo, everybody.

Are you coming from town?

Yes. I am.

And I'm bringing something for everybody.

What is it?

I'm bringing a pen for Dick, a box for Tom, and some books for Tony.

So everybody's getting a fine present.

What are you doing here?

I'm sending a letter to my friends.

And what are you doing?

I'm sending a cable.

Where are you sending the cable?

I'm sending it to my mother.

Is it a special occasion?


Mother's sixty-five today and I'm sending greetings.