
雅思口語考試的關於成語的要求是自然使用(Use the idiom naturally), 就是說既不要在一段中大量堆砌,也不要生搬硬套。下面這五個簡單易用的成語,對無論是雅思考試還是日常英語對話都有幫助。

Chalk and Cheese(形容人的個性截然不同)

Part 1: Do you have any siblings?(你有兄弟姐妹麼?)

Yes, I have an older brother, he is married and works as an accountant in an advertising company. We are like chalk and cheese, he is active, confident and out going while I am the opposite.


Two peas in a pod(意指一個模子裡刻出來的)

Part 2: Who are you closest to in your family?(你在家裡和誰最親近?)

Oh, that is an easy question, I am closest to my cousin Paul. We are like two peas in a pod, when we were younger, we did everything together and we are still very similar.


Down to earth(意指務實,平易近人)

Part 3: Can you describe your best friend?(你能描述一下你最親近的朋友麼)

Sure thing, my best friend is John and we studied at university together. John is very down to earth and gets along with everybody, he is also quite ambitious.


Off the top of my head(不假思索,第一想到的)

Part 4: Why do you think people choose to study overseas? (你覺得人們為什麼選擇去海外留學?)

I am not really sure, off the top of my head I would say that it may be to gain new experiences or study in a country with higher standards than their own.


On the fence(保持中立,持觀望態度)

Part 5: Do you think globalization is generally good or bad?(你認為全球化到底好不好)

Mmm, I am on the fence about this. On the one hand, globalization has benefits such as allowing smaller countries on trade with larger countries, but there is also some drawbacks......
