
Knowing what you cannot do is far more important than knowing what you are capable of.

中文: 知道自己不能做什么远比知道自己能做什么重要。


Learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more of who you are.

中文: 要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己。(Oprah Winfrey)


Don't say you don't have enough time.You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.

中文: 不要说你时间不够,你每天被赋予的小时数和海伦凯勒、巴士德、米开朗基罗、杰弗逊、及爱因斯坦完全一样。