Welding Journal《焊接杂志》2019年7月刊(目录)

Welding Journal 7月刊封面

《焊接杂志》(Welding Journal)是美国焊接学会(AWS)主办的全球知名英文焊接月刊,月发行量超600,000册,主要涵盖全球焊接行业应用及技术方面的创新及动态,且每期都附有焊接研究副刊,专门刊登焊接领域的学术研究成果。仅需2步你就可以完成个人会员申请,成为AWS个人会员就可以免费获得价值约600元的《焊接杂志》(Welding Journal)及其他超值服务。




拿到最新《焊接杂志》(Welding Journal)


34 Missouri City Reels in Title of ‘Aluminum Fishing

Boat Capital'

Welders in a small Missouri city build lightweight,

durable, high-quality aluminum fishing boats-C. Weihl

34 密苏里州的“铝渔船之都”

在密苏里州的小城里,焊工们建造轻型、耐用、高质量的铝合金渔船-C. Weihl

40 Better Welding ofAluminum

Through advances in welding processes,filler metals, and automation, companies can find ways to maximize qualitywithout compromising productivity when welding aluminum-M.D. Carriere and V. Gulsen

40 更好的焊接铝合金

通过焊接工艺、焊接材料和自动化技术的进步,生产企业可以在不影响铝焊接生产效率的前提下,最大化的提高焊接质量-M.D. Carriereand V. Gulsen

44 Choose Wisely When WeldingAluminum

These tips will help you select the bestshielding gases for your aluminum welding application-F. Schweighardt

44 如何明智的焊接铝合金

焊接铝合金部件时的保护气选择小窍门-F. Schweighardt

48 Marine ManufacturerReduces Aluminum WeldingRework

This fabricator met its goal of reducingrework and improving productivity through swapping out its welding powersources-A.Pfaller

48 船舶制造商在逐渐解决铝合金的焊接返工问题


52 It's 'Al' Good in theHood

Here are suggestions to help you selectsystems for proper capture and filtration of aluminum dust and fume-M.Meyer

52 粉尘回收装置的人工智能技术


55 Remembering John M. StropkiJr.

Reflections on the life and career ofthe former Lincoln Electric CEO

55 铭记JohnM. StropkiJr.



187-s Laser-Enhanced Short-Circuiting Metal Transfer inGMAW

Spatterwasnearlyeliminatedandthetransfer frequency was preciselycontrolled when using pulsed laser irradiation-S.J. Chen etal.

187-s 激光增强下的熔化极气保护焊短路过渡机制

采用脉冲激光进行辐照时,飞溅现象基本消除,熔滴过渡频率得到精确控制-S.J. Chen etal.

194-s Dynamic Behavior ofSolder Filling during Ultrasonic Soldering

A high-speedcamera was used to visually observe dynamic behaviorof solder filling in a nonwetting joint capillary underultrasonic agitation-Z. Xu et al.

194-s 超声软钎焊下钎料的填充行为动力学机制

采用高速摄像机对非润湿接头毛细管内的钎料在超声搅拌下的动态行为进行了直观观察-Z. Xu et al.

202-s Undercut FormationMechanism in Keyhole Plasma Arc Welding

This studysuggests undercut formation is causedby irregular fluid flow and unevenenergy distribution of the weldpool-A. V. Nguyenet al.

202-s 小孔等离子弧焊咬边形成机理

研究结果表明,咬边的形成是由于熔池内流体流动不规律和能量分布不均匀造成-A. V. Nguyenet al.


6 Editorial 社论

8 AWS at 100 AWS100年

10 Press Time News 新闻

12 International Update 国际动态

14 News of the Industry 行业新闻

18 Business Briefs 商业简报

20 Stainless Q&A 不锈钢焊接问答

24 RWMA Q&A 电阻焊焊接问答

26 Book Review 书评

28 Product&PrintSpotlight 产品和刊物聚焦

32 Centennial Stories 百年故事

56 Coming Events 近期盛事

59Certification Schedule 认证计划

60Welding Workbook 焊接工作手册

61 Society News 社会新闻

64 Member Profiles 会员资料

68 Tech Topics 技术主题

72 Section News 区域新闻

89 Guide to AWS Services AWS服务指南

90 Personnel 人物

93 Classifieds 分类广告

94 Advertiser Index 广告索引

本文摘自:Welding Journal 《焊接杂志》2019年7月刊
