

I wish you a sudden death when you chew your tongue on the back.


While I'm still kind, you'd better finish all the bad things as soon as possible.


Hell closed, heaven full, I come to the world as a scourge.

重蹈覆辙的下场就是自取其辱,失而复得的东西根本回不到最初 ​​​​。

The end of repeating the same mistake is to take the humiliation from oneself. What you lose and get back is not the beginning at all.


He tried to push me into the abyss, but he didn't expect me to be the master of the abyss. I smiled softly and said softly: "how is it? How are you doing in these 18 levels of hell? "


I told a joke. I had a stomachache when I went to the hospital. The doctor asked me why I had stomachache. I told the joke to him. He died of laughter. So I went to the court. I told the joke to the police again. The police also died of laughter. So I was sentenced to death and went to hell. I told the joke to the God of death. The God of death didn't die of laughter because he was dead, but he also smoked with laughter. That's all There are only five words in a joke: I believe in love.


When there was a fire in the world, my God insisted on sending me to hell. I went to hell. All the demons bowed their heads and said in unison: welcome your majesty to go home.


In fact, everyone is very clear about what they want, but not everyone has the courage to express it. Gradually, they know how powerful it is to be like one heart.


If I die and you suddenly see me safe on the street, you will turn around and run away in fear, or run over and hold me tightly. I think more people will pretend not to see me.