





疫情期間,來自貝寧的萊東翰(Glele Aho Letonhan)正在中國南昌進賢縣人民醫院實習。在節目中,萊東翰講述了中國抗疫一線白衣天使們的付出與信念。


When you see the medical personnel with protective clothes. After ten hours, more than ten hours before getting out. You will see the face mask lines all in their faces. It is really touching, with the sweat, all these things. It is really touching. Chinese doctors have given their life to save China.



It is in 2014, it is too that Africa has arisen infectious disease called Ebola. And China was the first country who came to help Africa in that battle. So those are the stuff who give me the motivation to say, if China, I know if it happens in my country, Benin, Chinese people, Chinese government should be the first country who support us.


對比一些國家經濟優先的抗疫舉措,布什美中關係基金會主席尼爾·布什(Neil Bush)對中國的勇氣與擔當給予讚揚,並對“美國如果出現疫情”作出假設。


Your country has done so much to keep the virus in China and to keep people from China, catching the virus at the expense of your economy. And if the virus ever gets into the United States, it is hard to imagine the United States being able to master the courage to say OK we are going to shut our economy down then like fouror five weeks, because we do not want people to get sick.



對此,倫敦金融城的議員瑪麗安妮·弗雷德里(Marianne Fredericks)在節目中呼籲世界各國通力合作,同時應關注在中國在快速反應、集中調配、群防群治等防治疫情的寶貴經驗。


The speed that China has actually dealt with the issue has shown the rest of the world what we need to do. So, we have seen with other countries, have seen a number of cases. They have taken the learnings from China and employed them. It will show that we need to work together, if we are going to solve the problem that we all face, so I hope that by coming together we will resolve more than just this issue. We will hopefully address all the other really impressing issues that we face globally.
