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Nature, 2 April 2020, Volume 580 Issue 7801



Antarctic Studies

Temperate rainforests near the South Pole during peak Cretaceous warmth


▲ 作者:Johann P. Klages、Ulrich Salzmann、the Science Team of Expedition PS104,et al.

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该记录包含了一个完整的3米长的原位化石根网络,它嵌在包含各种花粉和孢子的泥岩基质中。气候模型模拟表明,在高纬度出现这种温带气候,需要大气二氧化碳浓度为每百万体积1120~1680 ppm,以及植被和地表没有被南极冰川覆盖。

▲ Abstract

The mid-Cretaceous period was one of the warmest intervals of the past 140 million years, driven by atmospheric carbon dioxide levels of around 1,000 parts per million by volume. In the near absence of proximal geological records from south of the Antarctic Circle, it is disputed whether polar ice could exist under such environmental conditions. Here we use a sedimentary sequence recovered from the West Antarctic shelf—the southernmost Cretaceous record reported so far—and show that a temperate lowland rainforest environment existed at a palaeolatitude of about 82° S during the Turonian–Santonian age (92 to 83 million years ago). This record contains an intact 3-metre-long network of in situ fossil roots embedded in a mudstone matrix containing diverse pollen and spores. A climate model simulation shows that the reconstructed temperate climate at this high latitude requires a combination of both atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations of 1,120–1,680 parts per million by volume and a vegetated land surface without major Antarctic glaciation, highlighting the important cooling effect exerted by ice albedo under high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems


▲ 作者:Mark A. Hindell、Ryan R. Reisinger、Ben Raymond,et al.

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▲ Abstract

Southern Ocean ecosystems are under pressure from resource exploitation and climate change. Mitigation requires the identification and protection of Areas of Ecological Significance (AESs), which have so far not been determined at the ocean-basin scale. Here, using assemblage-level tracking of marine predators, we identify AESs for this globally important region and assess current threats and protection levels. Integration of more than 4,000 tracks from 17 bird and mammal species reveals AESs around sub-Antarctic islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and over the Antarctic continental shelf. Fishing pressure is disproportionately concentrated inside AESs, and climate change over the next century is predicted to impose pressure on these areas, particularly around the Antarctic continent. At present, 7.1% of the ocean south of 40°S is under formal protection, including 29% of the total AESs. The establishment and regular revision of networks of protection that encompass AESs are needed to provide long-term mitigation of growing pressures on Southern Ocean ecosystems.

物理学 Physics

Experimental demonstration of memory-enhanced quantum communication


▲ 作者:M. K. Bhaskar、R. Riedinger、M. D. Lukin,et al.

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▲ Abstract

The ability to communicate quantum information over long distances is of central importance in quantum science and engineering. Although some applications of quantum communication such as secure quantum key distribution are already being successfully deployed, their range is currently limited by photon losses and cannot be extended using straightforward measure-and-repeat strategies without compromising unconditional security. Alternatively, quantum repeaters, which utilize intermediate quantum memory nodes and error correction techniques, can extend the range of quantum channels. However, their implementation remains an outstanding challenge, requiring a combination of efficient and high-fidelity quantum memories, gate operations, and measurements. Here we use a single solid-state spin memory integrated in a nanophotonic diamond resonator to implement asynchronous photonic Bell-state measurements, which are a key component of quantum repeaters. In a proof-of-principle experiment, we demonstrate high-fidelity operation that effectively enables quantum communication at a rate that surpasses the ideal loss-equivalent direct-transmission method while operating at megahertz clock speeds. These results represent a crucial step towards practical quantum repeaters and large-scale quantum networks.

Spin-cooling of the motion of a trapped diamond


▲ 作者:T. Delord、P. Huillery、L. Nicolas、G. Hétet

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▲ Abstract

Observing and controlling macroscopic quantum systems has long been a driving force in quantum physics research. In particular, strong coupling between individual quantum systems and mechanical oscillators is being actively studied. Whereas both read-out of mechanical motion using coherent control of spin systems and single-spin read-out using pristine oscillators have been demonstrated, temperature control of the motion of a macroscopic object using long-lived electronic spins has not been reported. Here we observe a spin-dependent torque and spin-cooling of the motion of a trapped microdiamond. Using a combination of microwave and laser excitation enables the spins of nitrogen–vacancy centres to act on the diamond orientation and to cool the diamond libration via a dynamical back-action. Furthermore, by driving the system in the nonlinear regime, we demonstrate bistability and self-sustained coherent oscillations stimulated by spin–mechanical coupling, which offers the prospect of spin-driven generation of non-classical states of motion. Such a levitating diamond—held in position by electric field gradients under vacuum—can operate as a ‘compass’ with controlled dissipation and has potential use in high-precision torque sensing, emulation of the spin-boson problem and probing of quantum phase transitions. In the single-spin limit and using ultrapure nanoscale diamonds, it could allow quantum non-demolition read-out of the spin of nitrogen–vacancy centres at ambient conditions, deterministic entanglement between distant individual spins and matter-wave interferometry.

遗传学 Genetics

A genomic and epigenomic atlas of prostate cancer in Asian populations


▲ 作者:Jing Li、Chuanliang Xu、Yinghao Sun,et al.

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▲ Abstract

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. Over the past decade, large-scale integrative genomics efforts have enhanced our understanding of this disease by characterizing its genetic and epigenetic landscape in thousands of patients. However, most tumours profiled in these studies were obtained from patients from Western populations. Here we produced and analysed whole-genome, whole-transcriptome and DNA methylation data for 208 pairs of tumour tissue samples and matched healthy control tissue from Chinese patients with primary prostate cancer. Systematic comparison with published data from 2,554 prostate tumours revealed that the genomic alteration signatures in Chinese patients were markedly distinct from those of Western cohorts: specifically, 41% of tumours contained mutations in FOXA1 and 18% each had deletions in ZNF292 and CHD1. Alterations of the genome and epigenome were correlated and were predictive of disease phenotype and progression. Coding and noncoding mutations, as well as epimutations, converged on pathways that are important for prostate cancer, providing insights into this devastating disease. These discoveries underscore the importance of including population context in constructing comprehensive genomic maps for disease.

In vitro characterization of the human segmentation clock


▲ 作者:Margarete Diaz-Cuadros、Daniel E. Wagner、Olivier Pourquié,et al.

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▲ Abstract

The segmental organization of the vertebral column is established early in embryogenesis, when pairs of somites are rhythmically produced by the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). The tempo of somite formation is controlled by a molecular oscillator known as the segmentation clock. Although this oscillator has been well-characterized in model organisms, whether a similar oscillator exists in humans remains unknown. Genetic analyses of patients with severe spine segmentation defects have implicated several human orthologues of cyclic genes that are associated with the mouse segmentation clock, suggesting that this oscillator might be conserved in humans. Here we show that human PSM cells derived in vitro—as well as those of the mouse—recapitulate the oscillations of the segmentation clock. Human PSM cells oscillate with a period two times longer than that of mouse cells (5 h versus 2.5 h), but are similarly regulated by FGF, WNT, Notch and YAP signalling. Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals that mouse and human PSM cells in vitro follow a developmental trajectory similar to that of mouse PSM in vivo. Furthermore, we demonstrate that FGF signalling controls the phase and period of oscillations, expanding the role of this pathway beyond its classical interpretation in ‘clock and wavefront’ models. Our work identifying the human segmentation clock represents an important milestone in understanding human developmental biology.