大自然真的不需要人类,但人类需要大自然Nature is speaking (初中适用,附语言知识点

words:298 time:5ˊ





Nature is speaking

I am water. To humans I am simply just there. I’m something they just take for granted(视为当然) . But there is only so much of me. And more and more of them every single day. I start as rain in the mountains, flow to the rivers and streams, and end up in the ocean. Then the cycle(循环) begins again. And it will take me 10,000 years to get back to the state I am in now. But to humans? I’m just water. Just there ...

I am the soil. I am in the hills, and in the valleys, the farms, and the orchards. Without me, humans could not exist. But you treat me like dirt. Do you realize that I am just a thin skin on this planet? And I’m actually alive.Full of organisms (有机体) that grow your food. But I am broken, aching, overused, and sick. Because of you ... I am turning to dust.So maybe you could treat me with a little more respect. I suppose you still want to eat, right?

I am a flower. Yes, I’m beautiful. I’ve heard it before and it never grows old ... But here’s the thing: life starts with me. You see I feed people. Every fruit comes from me ... And sometimes I feed their souls. I am their words when they have none. I say “I love you” without a sound, “I’m sorry” without a voice. I inspire the greatest of them. Painters, poets, pattern makers. I’ve been a muse(灵感源泉) to them all. But in my experience, people underestimate(低估) the power of a pretty little flower.Because their life does start with me and it could end without me.


state /steɪt/ n. 状态;状况;情形;州;国家

拓展:in a ... state 处于……状态

eg. She was in a terrible state when we arrived.

exist /ɪg'zɪst/ v. 存在;生存

eg. The idea exists only in the minds of poets.
