
The presidency is an old boys' club





So sorry, Democratic millennials. You've got to drop the idea that baby boomers control everything.When it comes to the Democratic presidential nomination, the finalists are too old to qualify.

抱歉了, 支持民主党的“千禧一代” 们。你们必须放弃 “婴儿潮世代”决定一切的想法了。这次的民主党总统候选人选举,进入到最终角逐的选手们年纪都太大了,没有一位能符合“婴儿潮”的年龄标准。

Bernie Sanders, 78, and Joe Biden, 77, were both born during World War II. ls that a problem? I've always had a theory that as people get older, if they're lucky, they get better and better at a more limited set of skills.


If it's true, we'd really have an argument for Biden,who has endless experience working with Congress and dealing with foreign leaders. Sanders, on the other hand, is very, very, very good at giving his one basic speech. | believe he could deliver it while being swung from a crane over the Statue of Liberty.


Whoever wins, of course, will run against Donald Trump, 73.


Either Biden or Sanders, if elected, would be the oldest American entering a first presidential term.As of right now the record is held by Trump, who was 70, followed by Ronald Reagan, who was 69.


Trump, who revels in his ability to attach insulting adjectives to people's names, calls Sanders "Crazy Bernie." That's a tad ironic coming from a man who has been driving the nation nuts for more than three years.

特朗普非常热衷于给人名加上侮辱性的形容词,并深深陶醉于自己的这般才华,他给桑德斯“赐名”“疯狂的伯尼”。 这个折磨了整个国家三年多的人,竟然称别人“疯狂”,未免有点讽刺了。

The president calls Biden "Sleepy Joe, " which is maybe an age-related insult. But from Biden's point of view, it's not bad at all. Right now there's nothing the nation would welcome more than a president whose worst flaw is making everybody feel like taking a nap.


We could so use some downtime.
