



Dear Members of the Harvard Community,


Earlier today, Adele and I learned that we tested positive for COVID-19. We started experiencing symptoms on Sunday—first coughs then fevers, chills, and muscle aches—and contacted our doctors on Monday. We were tested yesterday and just received the results a few minutes ago. We wanted to share this news with all of you as soon as possible.


Neither of us knows how we contracted the virus, but the good news—if there is any to be had—is that far fewer people crossed our paths recently than is usually the case. We began working from home and completely limiting our contact with others on March 14 in keeping with recommendations to adopt social distancing measures. In line with standard protocols, the Department of Public Health will be in touch with anyone with whom we have had close contact over the past fourteen days.


We will be taking the time we need to rest and recuperate during a two-week isolation at home. I am blessed with a great team, and many of my colleagues will be taking on more responsibility over the next few weeks as Adele and I focus on just getting healthy. Thanks, in advance, for your good wishes. Thanks also for your understanding if I am not as responsive to email as I normally am.


This virus can lay anyone low. We all need to be vigilant and keep following guidelines to limit our contact with others. Your swift actions over the past few weeks—to respond to the needs of our community, to fulfill our teaching mission, and to pursue research that will save lives—have moved me deeply and made me extraordinarily grateful and proud. I hope to see as few of you in our situation as possible, and I urge you to continue following the guidance of public health experts and the advice and orders of our government officials.


The world needs your courage, creativity, and intelligence to beat this virus—wishing each of you good health.


All the best,




3月13日,哈佛大学确诊首例Covid-19新冠病毒,校长劳伦斯·巴科(Lawrence "Larry" Seldon Bacow)给全校师生发了一封信,这封信也在互联网广为流传。


No one knows what we will face in the weeks ahead, but everyone knows enough to understand that COVID-19 will test our capacities to be kind and generous, and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests. Our task now is to bring the best of who we are and what we do to a world that is more complex and more confused than any of us would like it to be. May we all proceed with wisdom and grace.”


一个星期以后的3月18日,校长劳伦斯·巴科(Lawrence "Larry" Seldon Bacow)再次给全校师生发了一封信。在这封题为“Thank you”——“谢谢你!”的信中,校长先生积极地倡导大家参与援助,并感谢所有人的努力。这封公开信在互联网广为流传,信中说到:

At times like this the world looks to Harvard for leadership, intellectual and otherwise. Your good work—done efficiently and quickly—has emboldened leaders throughout higher education to act decisively, creating ripples that, with any luck, will inspire bold action in other sectors across the country. I recently joined the presidents of MIT and Stanford in calling on more communities to adopt some of the measures you helped to speed at Harvard. Any success that results from our appeal will be yours to celebrate when we finally have a moment to pause and reflect as a community on everything that has happened.


For now, please accept my deepest thanks. Over the course of my career in higher education, I have never seen such a magnificent display of intensity and persistence as I have seen at Harvard over these past few weeks, and I have never been prouder to be a member of our community. The only thing that outshines your efforts is the decency, humility, and kindness with which they were undertaken.


The Talmud says that to save one life is equivalent to saving the entire world. When the situation we find ourselves in has passed, there will be no way to calculate the number of lives your actions have saved. It was the thought of that unknowable figure—undoubtedly growing greater by the day—that gave me reason to keep moving forward this morning. May it quicken all our steps in the weeks and months to come.


To each of you, thank you for your good work, your caring, your understanding, and your patience. Together we will meet this challenge.


With appreciation,










本文来源:Anlinwang安林 安林Anlin