
Sometimes the best revenge is to smile and move on.有時候最好的報復就是微笑並繼續前進。

You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.你也許只是短暫地抓住了我的手,卻是永久地抓住了我的心。

The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else comfortable.我受過最深的傷痛,就是為了讓每個人滿意,卻不顧自己的感受。

Nothing is more attractive than loyalty.沒有什麼比忠誠更有吸引力。

They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.他們嘲笑我,因為我與眾不同;我嘲笑他們,因為他們千篇一律。