
1. Circuit breaker/trading curb 熔斷

In the past two weeks,the stock market hit circuit breakers 3 times.

Plunging stocks has triggered

Circuit breaker kicked in


2. Plummet /ˈplʌmɪt/ plunge/plʌndʒ/ /tank/sink暴跌,驟然下降 Stock market plummet

Dow plummets nearly 3000 points as coronavirus fears spread.


3. Trading halt 暫停交易

4. 哄抬物價/價格欺詐Price gouging 價格欺詐者 Price gouger

5. Social distancing 保持社交距離

The government is urging people to practice voluntary social distancing to help curb/slow the spread of the Coronavirus.政府呼籲人們自行保持社交距離,來減緩新冠病毒的傳播。

6. Flatten the curve (of the pandemic) 平緩曲線(大流行病的)

7. Contain the coronavirus/the containment of the ...控制疫情

(country)is stepping up its coronavirus containment effort.

The government is taking measures to help contain the coronavirus
