
When China locked down Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, Western commentators were quick to express concerns. After all, when a "communist government" locks down its city, what else could it be other than "draconian," "authoritarian" and "a violation of human rights"?

当中国政府对1100万人口的武汉市实施封城时,西方评论界立刻表达了担忧。毕竟,“共产党政府” 封锁城市,还能如何描述此举呢,除了“极其严苛”, “专制” 和“侵犯人权”。

Now, Italy has decided to do the same, locking down the entire country. However, apparently, the two lockdowns are not the same, at least, according to America's most-watched cable news network.


"Italy isn't authoritarian like China or backward like Iran. It is a modern developed Western country, in many ways, like our country," says Fox News host Tucker Carlson. "Italy is now suffering almost 100 casualties, people who died, every day, from the virus ... In a few months, if nothing stops the virus, there will be millions of cases here."

福克斯电视台主持人塔克•卡尔森在节目中指出:“意大利不像中国那样专制,也不是像伊朗那样落后。意大利是一个现代化的西方发达国家,在许多方面都与我们美国一样……意大利每日新冠肺炎病死人数接近100人……在短短几个月内,如果不采取有效的防疫措施,将使美国这里也有数百万感染病例, ”

From the right to left, a similar narrative is followed.


The Wuhan lockdown came at great cost to "people's livelihoods and personal liberties," whereas Italy's lockdown was an effort to "contain Europe's worst coronavirus outbreak," according to the New York Times.


All this, while the world's top epidemiologists advised social distancing, while WHO observers on the ground said Wuhan's lockdown worked and while new cases in China have declined dramatically, with most regions outside Hubei Province reporting few if any new cases at all. Besides double standards, there's an ongoing blame game too.

尽管全球顶尖的流行病专家建议采取社交隔离, 尽管世界卫生组织的实地观察员指出武汉的封城有效, 尽管中国的新增病例数量显著下降,绝大多数湖北以外地区新增病例已经很少,或已归零, 除了双重标准外,一些人还玩起了指责的游戏.

Most recently from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who on March 9 called COVID-19 the "Chinese virus."


Right-wing media went one step further.


"An obscure virus arising from a meat market in eastern China to sicken American citizens in Oregon, in New Hampshire, in Illinois and midtown Manhattan. It sounds ridiculous," said Tucker Carlson.


Yes, the first cases were reported in Wuhan, China, and as Chinese, we do have a lot of introspection to do. There is no denying that. But factually, many, if not most, of the current cases in the U.S. were contracted locally, with the top four known sources being a cluster connected to a community in New Rochelle, New York; a nursing facility in Kirkland, Washington State; personal contact in the United States; and the Diamond Princess cruise ship.


Traveling in China ranked 15 as a source of contracting the virus.


Instead of blaming China, maybe one could look at what's happening in America, where its leaders constantly downplayed the threat of the virus.


How's that helpful?


U.S. President Donald Trump said on February 27 that the coronavirus would disappear one day like miracle. Then on his visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on March 6, he stressed that "anybody right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, gets a test. "


But even Trump's vice president said this was not true.


A day before Trump's visit to the CDC, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence stressed that the U.S. doesn't have enough tests to meet the anticipated demand going forward.


It's understandable that both parties, especially the incumbent, need to get the optics right in an election year. But as data shows, the initial lack of information, testing and coordinated national response, unfortunately, resulted in more infections.

I want to end on a happier note. After all, there are many out there who believe that in difficult times, our common humanity matters more than our differences.

