晚安心语:我的每一支笔,都知道你的名字 ​​​​

应该去喜欢那些,能让你觉得自己很美好,由衷感受到温暖的人,而不是那些,让你低到尘埃里,觉得自己很没用的人。 ​​​​

You should like those people who can make you feel beautiful and warm, not those who make you feel useless in the dust. ​​​​

I'm just surprised that yesterday is no different from the day before yesterday. I'm surprised that I've been compiled into such a life. I'm surprised that my footprints have not even been recognized, and I'm blown away by the wind in a flash, and I'm gone.


In the crowd, I feel that we can embrace each other in the next second, and I feel that this life will not be reunited.

山顶与山脚都有各自的美景,谁都别羡慕谁。 ​​​​

The top and the bottom of the mountain have their own beautiful scenery. No one should envy anyone. ​​​​

老师让用“你好”造句,我把头埋在课桌下面小声说,今夜还吹着风,想起你好温柔 ​​​​。

The teacher asked me to make a sentence with "hello". I buried my head under the desk and whispered, "it's still blowing tonight. I think of you and your gentleness.".


​​​​Every pen of mine knows your name.

你相信吗?你在等的那一个人,他有可能会重新看到你并重回你的身边,其实很多时候的久别重逢,并不是重蹈覆辙,而是别来无恙。 ​​​ ​​​​

Do you believe it? The person you are waiting for may see you again and come back to you. In fact, many times of long-term reunion is not a repeat of the past, but a safe one. ​​​ ​​​​


What I did today was as like as two peas in a game. I was very similar to my predecessor. I was afraid to speak. I listened to him quietly until I could not stop talking. He could not stop crying. Guess what he said. He said, "how do you like my ex girlfriend?"

天气没和我商量就冷起来了,小偷没和我商量就把我钱包捎走了,我最爱吃的香蕉没和我商量就腐烂了, 你也没和我商量就随着那阵风消失不见了。

The weather was cold without consulting me. The thief took my wallet away without consulting me. My favorite banana rotted without consulting me. You disappeared with the wind without consulting me.