Attention! Report Your Recent Entry Record by Midnight TONIGHT

Special Notice:

Notice of the Hainan Provincial COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters on Reporting the Hainan Immigration Records from Overseas

In order to strengthen the management of overseas arrivals and resolutely prevent imported cases, the Hainan COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters has issued the following notice:

1. Everyone entering Hainan from overseas (either directly entering Hainan or first entering other places in China and then transferring to Hainan) between 00:00, March 1 and 24:00, March 14 (within the past 14 days) must report their entry record before 00:00 o’clock (midnight) tonight to the local village committee, community (district) committee, and their workplace, and then forward this report to the municipal and prefectural COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters. Those arriving from countries severely affected by COVID-19 will be centrally isolated under medical observation by the local municipal and prefectural COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters. Those arriving from other COVID-19 affected countries will be self-isolated and observed under the guidance of the local municipal and prefectural COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters.

2. Everyone entering Hainan from overseas after 00:00, March 15 should also report their entry records according to the above requirements. The local municipal and prefectural COVID-19 Prevention and ControlHeadquarters will direct those arriving to conduct centralized isolation and medical observation or self-isolation and observation in strict accordance with regulations.

All departments and sections at all levels must promptly forward the requirements of this notice to everyone. Each department and individual must truthfully report their entry record. If anyone is found to have concealed the truth and hence worsened the epidemic, the department or the individual responsible will be held accountable for it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Everyone must bear the responsibility of epidemic control, and everyone has the obligation to report their actual situation. All sectors of society and the general population are welcome to supervise.

The Hainan Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

March 14, 2020













22:30 Every Evening

From Monday to Friday


每週一至週五晚 22:30


Chief Producer: Ye Ming

Producer: Huang Dan Fan Jianghong

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Xin

Editor:Wang Wen

Translated by Sun Chendi