

ell them you appreciate what they do.


be grateful for

We can lose our jobs,but be grateful for our spouses. 我们可以失去工作,但会为拥有爱人而感恩不已.

be thankful for

Be thankful for the difficult times, because during those times you grow. 感谢那些困难的日子,因为你学会了成长。

be indebted to

We will never forget to be indebted to Yimeng people's love and care from childhood of the newspaper. In wartime, people in Yimeng mountain region provides clothes and shelter for us; 我们永远不会忘记沂蒙人民对报纸的养育之恩,在那战火纷飞的艰苦岁月,是他们给了我们衣食之源,一百几十位乡亲为掩护报社人员和印刷器材惨遭敌人杀害。

be obliged to someone for

I should be obliged to you for your assistance in this matter.


beholden for

Our nation will no longer be beholden to the countries that we now rely on for oil imports. 虽然现在我们仍然依赖进口石油,但是当那个时候,我们的国家再也不需要对那些产油国感激涕零.

be appreciative of

All the teachers are very patient with us, and I must be appreciative of you, my teachers. 所有的老师对我们都很有耐心,我必须感谢你,我的老师。

be filled with gratitude

As we look back on the month we spent there, our hearts are filled with gratitude. 回想起我们在那里度过的一个月,我们心中充满感激之情。