03.06 五十个轰炸你大脑的事实

With the real knowledge whale, please stand up. Oh. . .


Thank you. Here are 50 amazing facts to blow your mind.


We actually have the ability to eat an entire bag of chips without really noticing, because chips have a vanishing caloric density. What that means is that it tricks our tongue and brain into thinking that we haven't actually eaten anything.


That explains a lot. Famed artist Bob Ross painted a grey scale landscape in 1984 after meeting a colorblind man who believed that he would never be able to paint to show him that he can.


The eye color of owls typically indicates what time of day the owls prefer to be active and hunt. Their eyes can be yellow, orange, dark brown, or even black.


To burn off 200 calories, you could chew gum for 18 hours, apply lip balm 1,500 times, or sing a song 23 times. Or, you know, just go to the gym.


Planes used to be a lot more comfortable. In the 1940s, the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser had reclined club chairs throughout the cabin.

以前的飞机更加舒适。在二十世纪四十年代,波音377 Stratocruiser 在整个机舱内都有躺椅。

On intercontinental flights, every seat could adjust into a bed so that each passenger could sleep. Somewhere, we went terribly wrong.


Raccoons are actually very smart. They can open complex locks in under 10 tries and can still repeat the process if the locks are rearranged or turned upside down.


They'll also remember solutions to problems for up to three years. If you feel strongly that someone is watching you, that's because they probably are.


Your brain has a primal gaze detection system that determines whether someone is staring directly at you or not. Clinical studies done at Stanford University show that people who have auditory hallucinations, such as schizophrenia, have voices that are shaped by cultural influences.


In Africa and India, most describe them as voices of family members or spirits, but most Americans say that they hear violent, torturous, and hateful yelling from strangers. There are actually 3D printers that can print your dinner.


The Foodini Food Printer makes everything from pizza to burgers to chocolate using fresh ingredients. Mmm, 3D printed bacon.

Foodini Food 打印机可以使用新鲜的配方来打印披萨,汉堡和巧克力等各种食物。唔,3D打印的培根。

A free kitchen, operated by volunteers in India at the Golden Temple is the western Indian city of Amritsar serves 100,000 hot meals a day and has been doing so for over 300 years. The average claw machine is only programmed to give the claw full strength every 20 tries.

印度西部城市阿姆利则的金庙(Golden Temple)有一间由志愿者经营的免费厨房,每天供应十万份热餐,这种做法已经有三百多年历史了。普通的抓娃娃机被设定为每尝试二十次机器爪子才有充分的力量。

Scam, oh. Basma Hameed, a Canadian woman originally from Iraq, learned how to tattoo so that she could cover her burn scars that she received on her face as a child.


The results were remarkable and she now has a business helping other burn victims by tattooing discolored scars to match their own skin tone. There exists an American company known as Creative Home Engineering that specializes in making hidden rooms for your home.

效果非常显著,她现在有一项业务,帮助其他烧伤患者通过在变色的伤疤上文身来匹配他们自己的肤色。有一家美国公司,名为 Creative Home Engineering,专门为你的家制造隐秘房间。

There's even one that requires a chess board played in a certain combination in order to unlock the room. Oh, lord, I want to contact these people.


The United Kingdom and Portugal hold the longest standing alliance in the world which started in 1386. Born in the 1930s, identical twins Oskar Stohr and Jack Yufe were separated shortly after birth.


Oskar was raised in Germany and attended Hitler Youth Academy while Jack practiced Judaism in Trinidad. They finally met at the age of 21 and they didn't get along at first, but eventually became close brothers later in their 50s.


When a cat brings back a dead animal, it's actually acting out its natural role as a mother and teaching, showing its owners how to catch and eat prey, just like they would teach their young in the wild. Meow. I don't know what that was.


Your blood actually appears green underwater at about nine meters or so, because there is no red light under water therefore, there is no red light that can bounce off of your blood into our eyes. In 2012, following the death of Meow, a cat who weighed 18 kilograms, the Guinness Book of World Records stopped recording the heaviest pets in the world to discourage deliberate overeating.

你的血液在水下九米左右的地方呈绿色,因为水下没有红色的光,所以你的血液红色反射不到我们的眼睛里。2012年,一只重达18公斤的猫“喵”(Meow)去世后,《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》(Guinness Book of World Records)停止了对世界上最重宠物的记录,以阻止人们蓄意暴饮暴食。

You can differentiate between east from west Berlin from space because the different types of streetlamps used to give off different shades of light. Jerome Rodale, a longevity expert and father of organic farming announced at the age of 71, during an interview that he's decided to live to be 100.

你可以从空间上区分东柏林和西柏林,因为不同类型的路灯发出不同色调的光。长寿专家、有机农业之父杰罗姆·罗代尔(Jerome Rodale)在接受采访时宣布,他决定活到一百岁。

He also declared, "I've never felt better in my life." And minutes later, while filming, he died of a heart attack.


So. . . There is a boiling lake located in Dominica that is so hot, the center's temperature has never been determined.


The grasshopper mouse is carnivorous, immune to venom, eats scorpions, and howls like a wolf to claim its territory. The Blue Marble is the only whole Earth photo taken by human hands from December 7th, 1972, by the whole crew of the Apollo 17 space shuttle.

蚱蜢鼠是肉食性动物,对毒液免疫,吃蝎子,并像狼一样嚎叫以占领自己的地盘。“蓝色弹珠”(the Blue Marble)是1972年12月7日阿波罗17号航天飞机全体人员用手拍摄的唯一一张全地球照片。

Nobody since has been able to be far enough from Earth to take a similar photo. The Spanish Paralympic basketball team was forced to return the gold medals that they won in the 2000 Australian Paralympics after almost all players were found to be not disabled.


Some non-venomous snakes, like the tiger keelback, will actually protect their babies by eating poisonous frogs while being pregnant. They then pass the poison onto their eggs which makes their newborns poisonous when they're born.


On December 31st, 1946, a man named Alphonse Rocco claimed to be a detective and gave a pedestrian a camera and asked her to take a picture of a suspect. Well, the detective turned out to be a gangster and the suspect turned out to be his ex-wife and the camera turned out to be a concealed shotgun, firing via the shutter button.


Yeah, I'm never taking a photo for anybody ever again. In Brigeport, in the UK, there is a cat named the Artful Dodger who regularly catches the bus by himself to travel 10 miles to the neighboring town.

好吧,我再也不帮别人拍照了。在英国的布里格伯特,有一只叫 Artful Dodger 的猫,它经常自己搭上巴士去十英里外的邻镇。

He waits at the bus stop so often, that the driver brings tins of cat food and knows what stop to let the cat off at. Dr. Seuss' first book was rejected 27 times.


He was almost ready to give up but bumped into a friend on the street in New York City back in 1937 who had just begun working in publishing. Seuss said that if he had been walking on the other side of the street, he probably would have never been a children's author.


Scaphism was a form of ancient punishment where the victim was tied and force fed a rich diet of honey and milk and then left in the sun. He accumulated diarrhea while his accumulated excretion attracted flies and insects who would then eventually eat the man inside out.


Huh. Moving on. At the center of every single raindrop is a mineral dust particle.


It is physically impossible for raindrops to form from pure water alone. There is a small village in Holland known as Dementia Village, inhabited by those people with dementia.


It's designed to be a normal environment with a secured perimeter so that patients can safely roam to the grocery store, restaurants, cafes, and gardens, without feeling, you know, locked down or confused. A Stanford study concluded that there is a high correlation between walking and creative thought output.


Compared to sitting, those who walked demonstrated a 60% increase in creative thought output. Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel's net worth was $1.5 billion at the age of only 24 making him the world's youngest billionaire.

与坐着相比,走路的人的创造性思维产出增加了60%。Snapchat 创始人埃文·斯皮格尔年仅24岁就拥有十五亿美元的净资产,成为世界上最年轻的亿万富翁。

He's now 25 and worth $2.1 billion. You know Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials?


Yeah, she makes $500,000 a year. A study conducted at Washington University found that rats not only enjoy being tickled, but high frequency recordings showed that they actually make the same laughing sound during a good tickle session than when they play with other rats.


Rajendra Singh, known as the water man of India, revived five rivers and brought water back to 1,000 villages in India using native water preservation techniques. The pyramids of Giza were more ancient to the ancient Romans than Rome is ancient to us.


Gobekli Tepe, located in Turkey, is thought to be the world's oldest temple. Constructed 6,000 years before Stonehenge, it's estimated to have been built before the invention of the wheel, even the idea of farming, or the tools that could have constructed its own existence.

位于土耳其的 Gobekli Tepe 被认为是世界上最古老的寺庙。它的建造时间比巨石阵要早六千年,据估计,它的建造时间比发明轮子的时间还要早,甚至早于农耕思想和它的建造工具的诞生。

Basically, it shouldn't have existed itself. At the time of this recording, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, had the biggest opening weekend in movie history at a total of a whopping $247, 966, 675.


When Apple began designating employee numbers, Steve Jobs was offended that Steve Wozniak received number one while he only got number two. He believed that he should be second to no one, so he took number zero instead.


Most predators have eyes facing forward, while most prey have eyes on their sides of their head. Every single restaurant that has appeared on season two of Kitchen Nightmares has closed.


Big surprise. In 2013, a man threatening to jump from the South Carolina Ravinal Bridge was convinced not to jump after being offered a pizza.


Studies conducted at Indiana University Media School discovered that watching cat videos actually boosts viewers energy and positive emotions and decreases negative feelings. Cats are just taking over this video.


Bi-cultural people may change their personality when they switch languages. According to a study conducted by university professors across America, language unconsciously affects people's interpretation of events.


Women speaking Spanish were seen as more independent and assertive than women speaking English in similar situations. Black panthers are not a real species.


What they are are jaguars and leopards who have melanism, which causes them to have black skin. It's actually the opposite effect of having albinism.


Conservationists in South Africa are infusing a special red dye into the horns of live rhinos. The mixture renders the horn completely useless to poachers that are trying to sell it commercially and also has a toxin for human consumption.


A team of researchers at Michigan State University have created a transparent solar panel that can be used in buildings to potentially power the entire building. It can also be retrofitted to older glass buildings to harness power.


President Andrew Jackson's pet parrot was kicked out of Jackson's funeral in 1945 for cursing. And now you're smarter than the kno-kno-knowledge whale. Oh oh oh.


Before I let you guys go, I wanted to remind you that I have a vlog channel. That's right, a second channel.


I upload almost daily videos about my life on that channel. Not only is it the place that I document the adventures that I go on, but it's also the place where I get to connect more directly with you guys by sharing my thoughts and feelings.


So, if you haven't checked out that channel yet, Matthew Santorum Vlogs, make sure you do in the description right now and subscribe. And, as always, if you guys enjoyed this video, click that like button and subscribe to this channel so that you can catch my next video.

如果你还没看过这个频道,Matthew Santorum Vlogs,确保你现在在描述中去看看并订阅。和往常一样,如果你们喜欢这个视频,请点赞,订阅这个频道,这样你们就能看到我的下一个视频。

Love your faces. Knowledge whale out.


Oh oh oh oh oh.
