03.26 王室专家“警告”梅根:搞清楚自己的位置




这位专家叫Anna Pasternak,是一位英国作家。

Anna Pasternak 这位作家最近还出了一本书The Real Wallis Simpson,讲的是另外一位曾经嫁入英国王室的美国女人Wallis Simpson的故事。(图 Via yahoo news)



"She doesn't understand that she cannot be this international star on this global stage, that is the Queen, then Charles, then William and Kate — they have to be the stars that's what ensures continuity in the monarchy," Pasternak continued.


“The house of Windsor has done incredibly well to stay together when many other European royal houses have collapsed, and they've done it because they recognize who has to be the main event," the author said. "She seems to want to bring her own style into the monarchy and I don't think that's appropriate and I don't think it's going to work long term.”


Via Fox News

(图 Via Getty Images)


According to a new report from Vanity Fair, the total cost of Meghan's NYC baby shower was around $200,000, or £152,000.

据Vanity Fair最新报道,梅根在纽约的迎婴派对总费用约为20万美元(约134万人民币)。

And who's paying for it? Fear not, British taxpayer. The bill is actually being footed by number one bezzie Serena Williams, apparently.

那么钱是谁付的呢?别害怕,英国的纳税人们,这账单是梅根的好朋友Serena Williams(网球明星)付的。

▲ Here's how much Meghan Markle's baby shower cost (via Cosmopolitan)

据报道,举办活动的酒店套间,一晚房价是7.5万美元(约50万人民币),是Serena Williams付的钱;梅根去纽约乘坐的是朋友的


梅根和好友Serena Williams(右)(图 Via Getty Images)


Dickie Arbiter也站出来批评了:

“Baby showers, it’s very much an American thing,” he explains to Us Weekly. “We don’t do it here in the U.K. It was a bit over the top in terms of expense and the way she got there.

“迎婴派对是种非常美国化的东西,”Dickie Arbiter告诉Us Weekly。“我们英国人不办这种活动。这活动太招摇、铺张,有点过头了。”

▲ Duchess Meghan’s NYC Baby Shower ‘Was a Bit Over the Top,’ Queen’s Former Spokesman Says (via Us Weekly)


“I thought that was in very poor taste actually when the country is in a state of extreme anxiety and flux and many people are suffering financially I think you can't have it both ways," Pasternak griped. “I don't think you can on the one hand say to people, 'save the planet, save plastic,' and then be revving up a massive carbon footprint going for a lavish baby shower in New York. I don't think it looks good and I don't think it's appropriate.”

“我们的国家正处于极度焦虑和不稳定状态,许多人都遇到了经济问题,我认为这种派对非常低级,而且你也不能双重标准,” Pasternak抱怨道:“你一方面对人们说要'拯救地球,少用塑料',一方面还去纽约参加这么一场豪华的迎婴派对,加大碳足迹,我觉得这是不合适的。”

Via Fox News


“I think they're undoubtedly true. William is very responsible, he knows what his role is and Kate has come alongside that and executed that extremely well," she said. "I think it's quite difficult to have had Meghan who seems to want to modernize and set her own agenda and you can't have it all. You cannot have your freedom and this privilege, so it is a Faustian pact. It's not a fairy tale and [Markle needs to] recognize that and live with consequences.”


Via Fox News

(图 Via Getty Images)



据报道,Nick Bullen有20年制作英国王室家庭相关题材节目的经历,还和查尔斯王子一起工作过八年,前段时间他在一次活动中爆料,有矛盾的是兄弟俩:

“Let’s have these two super glamorous women — one British, one American. One an actress, one sort of an English rose. Let’s put them against each other,” he explained, adding “that’s the sexy sort of media story.”


▲Prince Harry, Prince William ‘have had a rift,’ not Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, says royal filmmaker (Via Fox News)

“It’s actually that William and Harry have had a rift. I think you know, look. All brothers fall out. All families fall out. Their fallout at the moment is becoming public.”


Via Fox News


2018年10月,哈里王子在雨中演讲,梅根为其撑伞,当时二人刚刚公布怀孕喜讯 (图Via Getty Images)

2019年2月,哈里和梅根在摩洛哥访问当地一所中学(图Via Getty Images)


2019年2月,梅根在试项链,哈里帮她整理头发(图Via Getty Images)


文:Fox News, Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly


图:Fox News, Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly, Getty Images, 网络