03.02 老外談中國製造,評論:我只買中國貨




Only idiots buy cheap products from China, then blame it for overspending.


What most American’s who never visited China in the past will never know is how much China LIKED American products. This sentiment has changed and a shame.


This is mostly cause of politics


When i hear the word junk is associated with made in china, i clearly know how poor or ignorant this troll is. anyone who is wealthy enough to travel, has traveled to China, knows China do sell good quality, expensive stuff. I bought a $300 USD sweater over there years ago and its quality is much better than most $300 USD sweater in the US. When stuff are shipped over, it comes with a higher margin for US labor and shipping, and other fixed cost associated with selling the item. When someone says Made In China is junk, i immediately know that person has never traveled and knew the the place they’re talking about, or this person is too poor to be concerned about quality, as he/she isn’t likely able to afford anything nice at all.


Made in China, but sourced and imported by American companies.


think about made in USA, such as Boeing 737 Max


Watch Hollywood movie, even transformers and robocop is made in China.


The biggest sellers- Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot,etc rely on Chinese goods. Not buying Chinese goods would mean not supporting America’s biggest companies.


The poll is not fai4 in the first place. You just basically ask do you like cheap product from China? Instead you should ask , would you like to trade cheap products for job loss in America? Try this question again.


Racist America will never mature to take on world politics. China must now stop selling rare earth to US. Chinese must stop buying US products or enrolling in US schools, which ranked so much lower than those in the UK or other developed countries.


Why does it have to make in China? Can they make in other countries?


It not like ant America is only in China it all over the, which means America got to fix their attitude. You can’t go Around the world and cause trouble then expect to be glorified what fuck is wrong with Americans.


That’s how dumb these American are! 60% of the products lable Made In China are made In China by Foreign company! And components probably come from many different countries! Basically richer countries living large on poorer countries labour! It hold true whether it’s from Mexico or China! Do you think US stock market will be where it’s now if it’s not for all the profits they made with cheap labour (I know to many Americans that’s a dirty words , do you understand you’re having your rich lifestyle because of that), Just keep listening to your dumb President ! I’ll be interested to see how low US politics will go in 2020!


Stop this fucking trade war. I’m about to buy a car, but I would have to reconsider if prices go up.


I buy only Chinese product


trade war only hurt shopaholic if you ‘re window shopper you should n’t be worry .
