02.20 十二生肖的排名是怎么来的?妈妈们对宝宝的生肖都是怎么解释的?



The Chinese Zodiac

There were 12 different animals representing each year by turn in the Chinese zodiac. They were the mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.


It was said that the jade emperor wanted to choose 12 different animals to be the protectors of new born babies in every year.

传说在很久很久以前,玉皇大帝要挑选十二种动物来保护每年新出生的宝宝。After the news came out, all animals knew about the zodiac contest.At that time the mouse and the cat were good friends.


"The jade emperor said the first 12 animals would be winners."The mouse told the cat excitedly. Thus The cat had a deal with the mouse to help each other win the contest.


Almost all kind of animals were looking forward to the contest except the lion. "I am the king of the beasts already. There is no need to take part in the contest. " the yawning lion said. However the dragon that could go up to the sky and go down in the sea did not think that way. "As a noble dragon, I should not miss the chance." he thought.

几乎所有的动物都很期待比赛。除了狮子。 “我已经是兽中之王了,就没有必要参加这种比赛了。”狮子边打哈欠边说。尽管如此,龙可不这么想,龙本领可大了,上可入天,下可入海。他想 “作为一条高贵的龙,我不能错过这个机会。”

At first, the dragon had no horns on his head. To make himself more beautiful, the dragon went to the rooster to borrow his horns.


"With the heavy horns on your head, how can you run fast tomorrow, why don’t you lend them to me?" The dragon found the centipede to guarantee that he would return them back, so the rooster agreed.


The next morning, the jade emperor waited at the contest site.The mouse got up very early and started out, he did not wake up the cat because he thought the cat was faster than him. All kinds of animals headed for the destination together. At last, they came to a wide river.


"I can't swim." Many of them stopped and said. At this time, they came to the kind hearted ox." Would you please give us a ride ?" "No problem", the ox said.

“我不会游泳。”他们中的许多人停下来说道。此时,他们来到了善良的牛。“你能可以带我们过去吗?” “没问题”,牛说。

Soon many animals jumped on his back, including the mouse, rabbit, snack, rooster and so on. As the mouse held onto the horns, he jumped off as the ox was near the shore.


Therefore the mouse was the first, and the ox the second. The next winners in order were the tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig.


Thus the jade emperor declared that the 12 animals got the great job. Every 12 years, they took turns to take care of the new born babies of each year. Since then, every child belonged to his or her own zodiac.


From then on, the cat always tries to eat mouse for his betrayal. The dragon never gave the horns back. The rooster could only go to the centipede, but the centipede not only laughed at him but also called him an idiot. The rooster was so angry that his rooster's comb turned red.
