I can't let my boys be the scapegoat.我不能讓我孩子來背黑鍋

[Barcliff Academy]

(Lynette comes up to a closed nurse's office in the school. She opens the door and peeks her head in.)

Lynette: "Nurse Abigail?"艾比蓋護士嗎?

Nurse Abigail: "Mrs. Scavo, right? The twins' mother?"斯加沃太太吧,雙保胎的媽媽?

Lynette: "I just wanted to tell you that the boys are now lice-free."我只是想來告訴你我兒子頭上的蝨子沒了。

louse n. 蝨子;寄生蟲;卑鄙的傢伙——複數形式lice

Nurse Abigail: "Good to hear."那就好。

(Lynette steps fully into the office and closes the door behind her.)

Lynette: "I just can't figure out how it happened. They get a bath every night. Trust me, it's the ugliest 15 minutes of the day."我怎麼也不明白他們為什麼會生頭蝨。他們每天洗澡,相信我,這15分鐘是一天中最難熬的

Nurse Abigail: "I believe you."我信。

Lynette: "I keep thinking that maybe it was the petting zoo that I took them to last week. That llama was really iffy."我一直在想會不會是上週帶他們去


petting zoo

n. (允許兒童對動物進行撫摸和餵食的)撫愛式動物園

llama n. 美洲駝;無峰駝 iffy adj.可疑的;不確定的

Nurse Abigail: "Mrs. Scavo, it doesn't work that way. Lice only spreads from human to human. Even the cleanest kid in the world can get it if he gets too close to the wrong kid."斯加沃太太,不是這樣的。蝨子只在人和人之間傳染。就算是世界上最乾淨的孩子也可能被其他孩子傳染。

Lynette: "Really?"真的?

Nurse Abigail: "Yes. So don't be so hard on yourself, huh?"是的,所以別太自責了

Lynette: "I guess. Still, I can't help but feel a little guilty. After all, my kids started an entire lice outbreak."


can't help but do 情不自禁,忍不住做某事

Nurse Abigail: "Look, your, uh, your kids didn't start it."其實不是你的孩子引起脦

Lynette: "They didn't?"不是他們?

Nurse Abigail: "No. I know for a fact that patient zero was another little boy. This is his fourth time with this particular problem."是的。據我所知傳染源是另一個小男孩。這已經是他第四次染上這個了。

patient zero零號病人; 零號病患; 零號患者; 首例病例,第一感染源;
No one exactly knows who is the patient zero of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan..


Lynette: "Oh. That is a load off my mind. Well, thank you."我心頭的大石總算落了。謝謝。

(She heads back towards the door, then turns around.)

Lynette: "So which kid is it?"那是哪個孩子?

Nurse Abigail: "I can't tell you. You know we have a no-blame policy. We have to protect the children. You understand."我能告訴你。你知道我們有無歸咎條例,我們得保護孩子,你懂的。

Lynette: "Of course."那是當然。

(She turns to the door, then turns back around.)

Lynette: "No, I don't. You're going to have to give me a name."、


Nurse Abigail: "Mrs. Scavo --"斯加沃太太......

Lynette: "Here's the thing. Acting like parents won't assign blame is like pretending they don't keep score at peewee league games. It's human nature. If you don't give the moms someone to blame, they'll pick a scapegoat. I can't let my boys be the scapegoat."情況是這樣的。家長們向來護短所以總是推卸責任。這是人的天性。如果你不交出那個罪魁禍首,他們就會隨便找一個背黑鍋我不能讓我的孩子來背這個黑鍋。

Acting like parents won't assign blame is like pretending they don't keep score at peewee league games.這句話的含義是說:孩子出現了問題,家長們表面上說不會去指責別人,去推卸責任,實際上心裡面覺得責任在於別人而不是自家孩子;就像在一些比賽時家長表面上會說分數不重要,重在參與,實際上家長們暗地裡都在較勁,看誰家的孩子得分多,表現出色。


assign vt. 分配;指派 blame 指責,所以出了問題把責任歸在分在別人頭上,所以這個詞組:

assign blame 推卸責任;歸咎;把責任歸於; 指責

keep score比賽時記分


peewee league games少年團體比賽

scapegoat n. 替罪羊,替人頂罪者;背了黑鍋;替身;代人受過

Nurse Abigail: "Please don't put me in this position."請別讓我為難。

Lynette: "I'm begging you. They've already been uninvited from a birthday party, a really big birthday party with a bouncy house and a hot dog stand and a clown."我求你了。他們已經被一個生日派對除名了,一個非常盛大的生日派對,有蹦蹦屋,熱狗攤,還有小丑。

uninvite .未被邀請 un+invite

Nurse Abigail: "I wish I could help you, but --"我愛莫能助,可是......

Lynette: "For god's sakes, there's gonna be a magician. Tammy Brennan went all out."拜託了,還有魔術師。塔米.布倫蘭可是下了血本。

go all out 竭盡全力

Nurse Abigail: "Tammy Brennan? Topher's mother?"塔米.布倫蘭?託弗的媽媽?

Lynette: "Yes."是的。

Nurse Abigail: "Well, isn't that interesting. Have a seat."那就有意思了。請坐吧。