「龙腾网」美国国情系列 之 美国各州给人的刻板印象(完结)

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Americans of Reddit, what''''s a common stereotype of the different states and is it true?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注明出处
1、The weather in Texas is unpredictable. It can literally go from Seattle to Sahara in 5 minutes.
(回复1)My favorite was at a BBQ on Christmas Day. Was a nice 85 degrees and sunny. Suddenly, a strong breeze comes through and we go inside. Step back out 20 minutes later to check the grill and it''''s 38 degrees.
2、Illinois. You''''re either from Chicago or southern IL. No one from Chicagoland area will say they''''re from IL- they''''re from Chicago. People living in the city of Chicago look down on the people living in the surrounding burbs who say they''''re from Chicago.
everything is measured in time to/from downtown
the winters do suck here

4、Tennessee has a lot of backwoods rednecks. It''''s true, and they love guns.
(回复1)more churches than human population in many areas
(回复2)And in the cities, the only thing they have as much as churches are Starbuck''''s locations.
(回复3)I''''ve got relatives in Bolivar and Toone. They definetly live up to that stereotype.
(回复4)If you can hear banjo music then you’ve gone too far East.
(译注:班卓琴(banjo),又称斑鸠琴或五弦琴,是美国非洲裔奴隶在几种非洲乐器的基础上发展而来的,它上部形似吉他,下部形似铃鼓,现今的班卓琴有4弦和6弦等;班卓琴以往在传统非裔美国人音乐和19世纪的巡游演出(minstrel show)出现,今日多用作弹奏乡村音乐和蓝草音乐)
(回复5)Our spirit week in highschool also had a drive tractors to school day.
(译注:精神周(spirit week)为北美流行的校园文化,一周五天举办有趣的主题活动,反映自由奔放的校园精神)

(回复6) And everyone in the small towns in TN are related somehow.
(回复7)...and that god awful bright orange. It is everywhere, bleh.

(回复8)It’s not that orange you can sit with. It’s that puke inside of a pumpkin orange.

5、Iowa - Idiots Out Wandering Around We actually have the highest literacy rate in the nation and everyone who''''s been always comments on how nice Iowans are. Sure, we''''ve got corn and soybean fields as far as the eye can see, but when you find a person, they''''re quite nice!
(回复1)Also has highest average college admissions test scores.
(回复2)We ARE nice and I didn''''t grow up on a fucking farm
6、Montana here.

10、As a New Hampshirite, we are weary when we see a Massachusetts license plate, especially on the interstate. A lot of NH people nickname them "massholes" because of their (often) terrible driving...
11、Minnesota. Its winter half the year here. We have our "Minnesota Nice" which really means we would much rather let you have your dignity than tell you how much you suck to your face. It allows for a much more comfortable society when you can all pretend to get along at least.
12、I live in Arizona and people think cowboys and saguaro cacti.
This is correct.
(回复1)Don''''t forget the melting roads in the summer!
13、California: We hella say hella.
(译注:hella=hell of,意为“很多”)
(回复1)Only NorCal.
(回复2)And, like, some of us will say, like, a lot of times. Or at least Bay Area California teens will say things like that.

(回复3)And when you say "The City" in California, Californians know you mean Frisco.
而当你在加州说“The City(那个城市)”时,加州人就会明白你指的是旧金山。
14、People in Oklahoma are tornado freaks, and love violent weather (just not when it actually wrecks stuff).
Story checks out.

(回复1)I grew up in Minnesota and always found a lot of the Chicagoans I have met to be sort of stuck-up about being from the big city. They think Chicago is the center of the god damn world and that there is nothing in the Midwest besides Chicago. I dated a guy who lived in one of the suburbs out by O''''Hare, and the first time I met his family his dad pronounced Minneapolis as "Minne-a-na-polis" and asked if there were moose in my backyard (I had told him I lived in the suburbs of Minneapolis).
16、The best Hatch green and red chilli are grown only in New Mexico. New Mexicans also prefer green over red.
17、New Yorkers don’t care about you, they just want to get to work on time. Everyone is busy.
18、It’s true that we drink a lot here in Louisiana. But we’re not all swamp people who wrestle gators for fun.
19、There''''s a stereotype of Missouri being nothing but farmland. There actually is a lot of farmland, but we have two major cities (Kansas City and St. Louis), several smaller metro areas that aren''''t rural at all (Springfield, Columbia, Joplin, et cetera), and the Ozarks (which are obviously rural, but not farmland-rural).

20、California-We''''re all either famous or know someone famous, it never rains, the beach is everywhere, and we all surf.
Edit-It''''s hella true bro.
21、People in Kentucky have sex with their cousins and drink Mt. Dew religiously. I''''ll leave it up to you which one is true lmao.
肯塔基人会上他们的表妹,还会着了魔似地喝Mt. Dew。至于哪个是真的,我且就留给你们去发现吧啊哈哈哈

(译注:Mt.Dew全称Mountain Dew,为百事可乐公司旗下的软饮料品牌)
22、Live in Massachusetts and am a proud New Englander. And yes, we are obsessed with our coffee
23、California, can''''t drive in the rain.
(回复1)There''''s WATER falling out of the SKY. Stop driving and pay attention to this thing that I''''ve never seen before!
(回复2)Curse of the Southwest, I think. Arizona has that problem too. I imagine Nevada would as well, if anyone actually lived there.

No one I know in LA hates SF. I wouldn''''t want to live there for a number of reasons that mostly are not SF''''s fault, but I like visiting and it''''s a cool city. Most of my friends feel the same way. LA and SF are pretty damn close culturally, regardless of what you''''re seeing here. LA and SF have a fuckton more in common than either do to what''''s in between the two.
29、Los Angeles = Vans. Everybody you see is wearing a pair of vans.
30、Nevada: prostitution, gambling, recreational weed. All legal, all taxed, all good.
31、snakes are everywhere in Louisiana
32、chicago is shitted on by everyone in the rest of illinois.