農業合作⑤ 981.5億美元!看中國“吃貨們”創造奇蹟(中英文)

USD 98.15 billion! A marvellous miracle created by Chinese consumers


Imported food such as Australia’s lobsters, Japan’s beef, Thailand’s durians, Egypt’s sweet oranges, Turkey’s sunflower oil, etc. once expensive and scarce in China, is now “flying” to the table of ordinary Chinese. With the improvement of the living standard of the Chinese people, more and more high-quality imported food has entered the “shopping cart” of ordinary people. Recognizing China’s huge market, many foreign enterprises have turned their eyes to China for better opportunity. According to statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, from January to August 2019, China’s import and export of agricultural produces amounted to USD 147.88 billion, of which USD 98.15 billion were imported, up 1.9% and 4.5% respectively year on year. China has now become the world’s largest importer and second largest trading nation of agricultural produces.


In the past, China promoted the development of its national economy and improved the living standards of its people through exports. Today, China has taken the initiative to expand its imports to help other countries achieve better development, and explore economic and trade exchanges in agriculture with other countries. As Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the first China International Import Exposition (CIIE), “the CIIE will help friends from around the world to seize opportunities presented by China’s development in the new era and offer a platform for us to deepen international business cooperation for shared prosperity and progress.”


China has become the largest buyer of agricultural produces for many countries



Fruit industry is one of the pillar industries in Chile. Recently, it’s almost time for cherries in Chile to ripen, and cherry farmers will begin to pick ripe cherries and transport them by air to China--the world’s largest export destination as soon as possible. The harvest season for Chilean cherries is generally from November to March, during which local fresh fruit in China is scarce, but in high demand due to the New Year’s Day, the Spring Festival, and the Lantern Festival season. Cherries, with beautiful color and sweet taste, have become one of the most popular choices for treats and gifts. Ronald Bowen, President of the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile (ASOEX), revealed that from the end of 2018 to the spring of 2019, nearly 200,000 tons of cherries were exported to China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), accounting for 83.75% of Chile’s total exports, up about 17% year on year.



Due to China’s strong appetite for Chilean cherries in spite of the fruits’ high prices, it has long been a shared information for Chilean fruit farmers that “growing cherries is very profitable”. In Chile, about half a million farmers plant cherry trees, accounting for a third of all players involved in Chile’s fruit industry.

智利COPEFRUT公司就是這樣一家靠中國“吃貨們”發達起來的企業。從原來不過幾個人經營的小農舍,藉著中國市場的東風,公司如今已變成擁有近400人的集團公司,也是當地第二大水果生產及出口企業。據公司CEO ANDRéS FUENZALIDA介紹,公司近幾年的水果幾乎100%銷往中國市場,其利潤率非常可觀。“中國人喜歡又紫又大的車釐子,市價120元/千克左右的最受歡迎。”智利車釐子委員會主席塔格爾曾自豪地表示:“只要運輸能力跟得上,我們在中國完全不愁銷路。”

Chile’s Copefrut is such a company whose development is mainly fueled by China’s consumers. From a small farmhouse run by only a few people, the company is now a conglomerate with nearly 400 employees and the second largest fruit producer and exporter in Chile. According to Andrés Fuenzalida, CEO of Copefrut, the company has exported almost all of its fruit to China in recent years, earning very considerable profit margins. “Chinese consumers prefer big purple cherries, and the ones priced at RMB 120 per kilogram are the best selling products in China.” Cristian Tagle, president of the Chilean Cherry Committee, once proudly said: “We have no trouble finding a market for Chilean cherries in China as long as we can deliver the produces to China.”



Argentina has also benefited a lot from China’s agricultural imports. China imported a total of 850,000 tons of beef in the first seven months of this year, and Argentina became China’s largest source of beef imports with a total of 186,000 tons of beef imported, up 129% from the same period last year to USD 870 million, according to China Customs’ data. 72% of Argentina’s beef were exported to China in the first half of this year.


Luis Miguel Etchevehere, Secretary of State of Agroindustry, Argentina, said that China is now Argentina’s major importer of agricultural produces. He hopes to further expand trade relations between China and Argentina and make his country become a reliable food supply partner of China. China has also shown its utmost sincerity. According to official news released by Argentina on September 19, eight new local meat plants for beef had been approved for export to China, thus bringing the total number of such factories to 35.



China has become the largest buyer of agricultural products for many countries. For example, about 40% of avocados from Peru and 60% of durian from Thailand have all entered China’s market. China boasts an enormous market while foreign countries have high-quality produces. The division of labor, cooperation, and complementary advantages between China and other countries have satisfied the demands of both and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results.


Cold chain logistics and railway express guarantee the transportation of fresh imported produces


With a large number of fresh produces from overseas flooding into China’s market, the traditional logistics environment and means of transportation are far from meeting the requirements, thus fueling the development of cross-border cold chain logistics and new freight trains.



In China’s supermarkets, Chinese consumers can buy European chocolates or Russian milk which have just come to local markets. Likewise, European consumers can get China roses in their countries which have picked up not long ago from the rose gardens in Nanyang, Henan Province, China. It is through the refrigerated containers of China-Europe Railway Express that fresh produces imported from other countries available for Chinese and European consumers are delivered. This is the charm of cold chain logistics. And thanks to great attention China has paid to fresh imported products, the cold chain logistics industry has experienced significant development.



According to statistics, China’s cold chain logistics market reached RMB 303.5 billion in 2018, up 19% year on year. The Cold Chain Logistics Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing forecasts that the scale of the cold chain logistics market will be worth RMB 470 billion by 2020. However, compared with the cold chain logistics in developed countries, the industry in China is still in its infancy and still has a long way to go. Cold chain logistics can guarantee the quality of food and fresh produces in long-distance transportation. Data shows that China’s meat consumption exceeds that of the EU and the United States combined, and China’s per capita consumption of vegetables and fruits is the highest in the world. These all require a large amount of cold chain logistics to realize product circulation.


Of course, for fresh food and agricultural products, besides the “temperature control” realized by cold chain logistics, transportation speed is also very important. Here, China roses, which have enjoyed popularity among European consumers, are cited as an example. According to customs officials in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, there were two ways to export local seedlings in the past, namely shipping from Qingdao Port or air logistics. Due to the high cost of air transportation, most enterprises chose shipping. However, it took at least 45 days to reach Europe by shipping. Apart from the possible damages to seedlings, the products may also miss out on market opportunities due to transportation delay. As a result, the China-Europe Railway Express that meets the need of the cross-border transportation of fresh agricultural produces has been developed. This mode of transportation, which takes only one-third of the shipping time and costs one-fifth of the air transportation, is favored by many international sellers.



In February, the China-Vietnam Cold Chain Container Train carrying Southeast Asian fruits such as pitayas and longans slowly pulled into Pingxiang Port in Guangxi. The final destination of this train is Shanghai. The train establishes a fast and convenient selling network for Guangxi’s farm products, and tropical fruits, seafood and agricultural and sideline products of ASEAN, which will effectively promote the smooth trade between ASEAN and China’s Yangtze River Delta Region. This marked another remarkable achievement made in the construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in Western China.


On September 23, the first container train carrying Russian agricultural products set off from the Kaluga Oblast logistics distribution center to deliver Russian high-quality wheat flour to Tianjin, China. This was the first “agricultural railway express” sent by the RZD Logistics to China. Mr. Viacheslav Valentik, CEO of the RZD Logistics, said this historic event will open a new chapter of Russian agricultural exports to China and also provide domestic producers with an opportunity to enter new markets.



The international cross-border railway transportation, in which China-Europe Railway Express plays an important role, has become the main way for China to carry out land transportation for foreign trade. According to the data of China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., from January to August 2019, China-Europe Railway Express has operated 5,266 rides, involved 2,845 outbound trips and 2,421 inbound trips. It has greatly improved the service quality as well as increased the number of trains sent. The China-Europe Railway Express has attracted a large number of goods suitable for railway transportation, thus optimizing the division of land, sea and air logistics, and providing strong support for the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and economic and trade exchanges between China and Europe.


Cross-border e-commerce plays an important role


In addition to the establishment of logistics and transportation channels, the gradual expansion of cross-border e-commerce has also created a new prospect for agricultural products trade.


距離盧旺達首都基加利1個多小時車程,在其北部魯裡山中有一個名叫Rwesero的村子,這裡海拔約2000米。當50歲的Kagwera Feau Batiste聽說自己種的咖啡豆通過阿里巴巴平臺賣到了中國消費者手中時,非常興奮。Kagwera有三個孩子,整個家庭幾乎完全依靠種植咖啡的收入生活。與Kagwera家一樣的還有村子裡的60戶家庭,他們組成了咖啡合作社,種植經營著1.7萬棵咖啡樹。在盧旺達,這樣的咖啡種植家庭有40萬戶之多。

In Ruli Mountain, more than one-hour drive from Kigali, capital of Rwanda, lies Rwesero, a village which is about 2,000 meters above sea level. 50-year-old Kagwera Feau Batiste lives in the village. When hearing that his coffee beans were sold to Chinese consumers through the platform of Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce giant, he got very excited. Kagwera has three children, and the whole family depends almost entirely on the income from growing coffee. In the village, there are another 60 families which also rely on coffer income, just like the Kagwera family. They have formed a coffee cooperative and grow 17,000 coffee trees. In Rwanda, there are 400,000 such families.


In this country, green coffee beans are mainly exported to European and American coffee makers, such as Starbucks, Costa, Illycaffè, etc. Compared with roasted coffee beans, the profit of selling green coffee beans is much lower. Although local coffee companies also produce roasted coffee beans, the production of roasted coffee beans is very low due to the small domestic consumption market and export market.


The introduction of cross-border e-commerce and Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP) to the region is helping to change this situation.


在巴黎出生長大的非洲裔小夥兒Diabate Dean Harry,是天貓國際的一名“洋小二”。2018年6月,他來到盧旺達咖啡種植園,探尋通過電商來改善當地經濟發展的可能性。4個月後,阿里巴巴聚划算平臺“匯聚全球”項目上線,6款來自盧旺達的烘焙咖啡豆銷售火爆。

Diabate Dean Harry, a young African born and raised in Paris, is an employee of Chinese e-commerce platform Tmall Global. In June 2018, he came to Rwanda coffee plantations to explore the possibility of improving local economic development through e-commerce. Four months later, Alibaba’s flash sale marketplace Juhuasuan was launched. Through the platform, six types of roasted coffee beans from Rwanda were quickly sold.


Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, was very pleased with this change, saying: “In the past, Rwandan farmers earned only USD 8 for selling 1 kilogram of coffee beans. Since the country joined the eWTP, it has sold high-quality coffee beans to Chinese consumers through e-commerce platforms, which has greatly increased the farmers’ income.”


Today, Yunnan’s tea can be bought online in Southeast Asia, and similarly, Indonesia’s Civet coffee and Sri Lanka’s black tea are also available on online platforms in China … cross-border e-commerce has brought new development opportunities for international trade in farm produces. Chinese consumers once ordered 80,000 Thailand’s durians totaling 200,000 kilograms within one minute from an online shopping platform in China. Within one hour after Double 11 Shopping Carnival of 2018 began, 13.6 million Ecuador white shrimps were sold on Tmall Global, an increase of 591% year on year.



According to the data of Tmall Fresh, a channel selling fresh produces, from April 2018 to March 2019, the sales volume of fresh products in countries along the Belt and Road increased significantly. Some products such as Thailand’s pineapples reached year-on-year growth rate of 891%. In June this year, the annual report on the development of China’s cross-border import e-commerce released by the e-commerce research center shows that in 2018, the transaction scale of China’s cross-border e-commerce, including business to business (B2B), business to customer (B2C), consumer to consumer (C2C) and online to offline (O2O) models, reached RMB 1.9 trillion, with a year-on-year growth of 26.7%. Of these, the proportion of agricultural produces in cross-border e-commerce is getting increasingly higher, becoming a new highlight of the international cooperation in the agricultural sector under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.






