美文《Happy Birthday》(短文)

Happy Birthday

A birthday is a very special day.It comes only once a year,so it is important to celebrate it.We can do this any way we wish,but most birthday celebrations have some things in common.

There are four things that every birthday must include,in my opinion.One is,of course,presents.We may receive many gifts from family and friends.We should thank them politely no matter what a gift is.After all,it’s the thought that counts.Another component of a good birthday is a cake.We can have any kind of cake we wish.The important thing is to put candles on it.That is so that we can have the third thing,wishes.Before we blow out the candles,we must make a birthday wish.But we must keep it a secret if we want it to come true.The last thing is a party.A party is what makes a birthday fun.It is how we share our special day with others.

Our birthday is our day,and we can spend it any way we like.But one thing we must do is thank our parents.They brought us into the world and have loved us every day since.Without them,there would be no birthdays.








