


最近,伦敦小姐姐Olivia Jackson 就在网上po出了男票对自己时尚穿搭的点评语录,感觉句句都是送命题……

One way to prove a point to your significant other is to start an Instagram account, make it go viral and have thousands of people agreeing with you. That's exactly what London blogger Olivia Jackson did, starting the page @clothesmyboyfriendhates, with over 60K followers loving the outfits she wears that her boyfriend just can't stand.

Does your significant other always agree with your fashion choices? Scroll down below to see Olivia's favorite 'controversial' clothes, as well as some of her boyfriend's witty criticisms, for yourself, and let us know your thoughts in the comments!


(Dressed like a farmer according to my boyfriend!)


(Why are you dressed like a mechanic?)


(At least I had a puppy glued to me all day to cover the ‘toddler outfit’ he hates)


(Obviously he asked me why I was going out dressed as a flamenco dancer though)


(Today - I wore a tea towel)


(My boyfriend’s told me this blazer looks like pyjamas)


(What is on your head? Don’t put it on now!)


(Last night’s clown clothes)


(Very much loving the fact Autumn is coming! He very much hates these ‘slippers’)


(Leopard was the first thing I noticed he really hated)



(J once told me this looked like something the queen would wear but I am a queen so?)
