
1.信任不是指没有误会 而是总会给对方把误会解释清楚的机会

Trust doesn't mean there's no misunderstanding, it means there's always a chance to explain the misunderstanding.

2.爱就是 当感觉 热情 浪漫 通通拿掉之后 你仍然会珍惜对方

Love is when the feeling of passion and romance is removed and you still cherish each other.

3.我爱你是场没有结果的戏剧 偏偏入戏太深 哪怕知道结局

I love you for a drama that doesn't work.

4.如果难过了 记得抱自己 就算全世界都背弃 你还有自己

If you're sad, hold yourself, even if the whole world turns its back on you.

5.有些风景 只能喜欢却不能收藏 就像有些人只适合遇见 却不适合牵手一样

Some landscapes can only be loved but not collected, just like some people who are only suitable for meeting but not for holding hands.

6.得不到的永远在骚动 被偏爱的都有恃无恐

The untouchable ones are always stirring while the preferred ones all have nothing to fear.

7.世界上有两样东西不能直视 一是太阳 二是人心

There are two things in the world that cannot be looked directly at: the sun and the heart.

8.大概是经历了太多的失望 所以做什么事都把结果往坏处想

Maybe it's too much disappointment to think bad about the outcome of everything you do.

9.我从没放弃过爱你 只是从浓烈变得悄无声息

I never gave up on loving you. I just went from being strong to being silent.

10.等不到的晚安 别等了 挤不进的世界 别挤了

We can't wait. Good night. Don't wait.
