

1.縱使有花兼有月 可堪無酒又無人

Even if there are flowers and months can be no wine and no one.

2.不可能對所有人都好臉相迎 這是我人生的一大原則

It's a principle of my life that I can't be nice to everyone.

3.孤其一生 傲其一世 浪懷飲醉 獨步天跡

Lonely his life proud of one of the waves huai drink drunk alone.

4.大概沒去過的地方都叫遠方 沒得到的人都比較難忘

Probably have not been to the place called the distance did not get people are more memorable.

5.真的不必把太多人請進生命裡 太過熱情總是不被珍惜

Really don't have to put too many people into life too warm is always not cherished.

6.一個人就照顧好自己 夠成熟再去觸碰愛情

A person to take care of their own mature enough to touch love.

7.願你我往後路途無悲常喜 流出的淚皆因喜極而泣

May you and I have no sorrow on the way ahead.

8.幸好相思無聲 怕你震耳欲聾

Fortunately, lovesickness silent afraid you deafening.

9.若你眉眼為我停留半分 怎會看不見我情深如初

If your eyebrows and eyes for me to stay half a minute how can not see my deep love.



