

Once a small country sent envoys to China to pay tribute to three identical golden statuettes, resplendent and magnificent, which made the emperor extremely happy. However, this small country is unkind. At the same time, a question arises: Which of the three gold men is the most valuable?


he emperor thought a lot of ways, invited the jeweler to check, weigh and look at the workmanship, all are the same, how to do? The messenger is still waiting to report back. A great country, wouldn't you be confused about this trivia


Finally, an old minister who abdicated took three straws with confidence and inserted them into the ear of the first golden man, inside. The straw came out of the other ear, the straw of the second golden man fell out of the mouth, inside, and the straw of the third golden man fell into the belly, inside, without any noise. The old minister said, "The third golden man is the most valuable!" Messenger Silent. The answer is correct.


Revelation: The most valuable person is not necessarily the most able person. God has given us two ears and one mouth to listen more and talk less. Good listening is the most basic quality of a mature person.
