中英双语对比:PS和AE的对决!英特尔VS AMD VS 苹果电脑

PS和AE的对决!英特尔VS AMD VS 苹果电脑。Photoshop and Ae's Epic Battle! Intel Vs AMD Vs Mac


Finding the right CPU for your new workstation can be a confusing and hard quest. There are so many options and not much real true data to help guide most users towards the correct choice.

在这篇文章中,我们将进行英特尔与AMD处理器的对比,包含the Intel 9th Gen, Intel X-series, AMD Ryzen 2nd Gen, and AMD Threadripper 2nd Gen CPU lineups,另外,我们也将他们与Mac Pro 12 Core and iMac Pro 14 Core进行对比。

The MyEinn PC team did a benchmark of a wide range of processors from Intel/AMD and compared them to a current Mac Pro 12 Core and iMac Pro 14 Core.

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此测试使用Photoshop CC 2019 (ver. 20.0.0)与18.10,主要对比打开/保存,调整尺寸,content aware fill等主要任务,滤镜,全景拼接。

For the testing itself, we will be using Photoshop CC 2019 version 18.10. This benchmark tests a range of general tasks (open/save, resize, content aware fill, etc.), filters, and photo merge.



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PS基准测试范围,我们分成4个部分:主要任务,滤镜,图片拼接以及CPU加速。除了图片拼接之外,我们也测试了其他每项在8 bits/channel 与16 bits/channel模式下的结果。所有测试结果会在总结中显示。

The Core i9 9900K and Core i7 9700K are the top performers in the Ps 2019 benchmark - which is to be expected, since Photoshop is not optimized for larger core count CPUs. This means that a CPU that has a higher clock speed (Mhz) but a smaller amount of cres will perform the best. Placing next in the benchmark is the iMac Pro 14 Core, which is not a surprise. The Intel X-series processors, which were recently released, all fall behind the iMac with a very close score between the bunch of them. These X-series CPUs (which are much more expensive) are around 10-15% slower than the Intel Core i9 9900K.

根据测试结果总结,可以看到Intel 9th Gen CPUs,the Core i9 9900K与Core i7 9700K表现优异,这也是意料中的结果,因为PS不会明显受到高核心计数的影响。其次是the iMac Pro 14 Core,接下来是最近新出的Intel X系列,Intel X系列的CPU相比i9 9900K要慢10-15%

The AMD Ryzen 7 and the AMD Threadripper CPUs all tested behind the Intel- X series. Here we do see some unexpected results, where the lower-end Threadripper CPUs are only about 20% slower than the i9 9900K, while the two more expensive "WX" series models are closer to 27% slower. This is most likely caused by the design of the WX series. They (in laymen terms) are designed as two CPU cores crammed into one slot. This causes some overhead issues when programs are not optimized for higher core count CPUs. AMD has tried to counter this known issue with a "Dynamic Local Mode," but the results are still the same.

紧接着Intel X-series的是AMD Ryzen 7 and the AMD Threadripper CPUs,有趣的是,相对低端的Threadripper CPUs仅仅比i9 9900K慢了20%,两个"WX"系列的慢了将近27%,即使开通了"Dynamic Local Mode"功能,WX models还有些表现问题。

The Mac Pro is about 30% slower than the i9 9900K, which is not a surprising result considering its CPU.

在每个测试的最后一栏都是Mac Pro,相比i9 9900K慢了30%

Our Conclusion for the Intel vs AMD vs Mac Photoshop CC 2019 Benchmark:

在Photoshop CC 2019中,毫无疑问,Intel 9th Gen CPUs是目前市场速度最快的处理器。即使你多花费50%以上使用Intel X-series CPU,或花费两倍使用iMac Pro,i9 9900K还是相对比价快7-15%

Just as last year, there can be no question that the consumer level Intel CPU is the king of Photoshop 2019. Even with a 50% higher investment into a Intel X-series CPU, or even more if you go Mac, you are only throwing money down a Ps designed drain. The reason for this is the incredible single core speed of the new 9th gen Intel CPUs. Even the most expensive Mac is around 9-15% slower than the much cheaper i9 9900K based workstation.

与AMD Threadripper system对比,差距更大。i9 9900K相对比较快20%到30%,AMD Ryzen 7 2700X物有所值,比Intel Core i5 9600K贵一点,速度也快了几个百分点。意思是如果你的预算是买一个价值2100 RMB的CPU,在使用PS是,看不到英特尔与AMD的差距。

The performance gap between the Core i9 and the AMD Threadripper system is even larger. The Core i9 9900K is 20% to 30% faster in our Photoshop 2019 benchmarks. However, the AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, even though it doesn't top the charts, for its price is just right. It is a tiny bit more expensive than the Intel Core i5 9600K at the current market price, but is faster by a few percent. This means that if your budget can only handle a 2,100 RMB investment in a CPU, you won't see much of a difference between an Intel and AMD workstation while using Photoshop 2019.

After Effects CC 2019

The next benchmark we had for our wide range of CPUs and Mac computers was After Effects CC 2019.

在这部分测试对比中,对比了英特尔与AMD处理器,包含the Intel 9th Gen, Intel X-series, AMD Ryzen 2nd Gen, and AMD Threadripper 2nd Gen CPU lines,另外,我们也将他们与Mac Pro 12 Core and iMac Pro 14 Core进行对比。(苹果粉丝们注意了 开战的时候到了)

Benchmark Results



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After Effects对比测试主要测试内存预览,最终渲染,跟踪。

根据测试结果,Intel 9th Gen CPUs,the Core i9 9900K,Core i7 9700K表现优异,即使他们价格少于Intel X-series or AMD Threadripper CPUs,这是意料之中的结果,因为After Effects只用少数的CPU核心计数。

Once again, we see that the Intel 9th Gen CPUs (Core i9 9900K and Core i7 9700K) are currently the top performers, even though they are much less expensive than the Intel X-series or AMD Threadripper CPUs. This is, again, to be expected since most of After Effects coding is only able to use a finite amount of CPU cores. This means that a higher Mhz core speed will be better for Ae when compared to a lager amount of cores.

根据测试结果,Intel 9th Gen CPUs,the Core i9 9900K,Core i7 9700K表现优异,即使他们价格少于Intel X-series or AMD Threadripper CPUs,这是意料之中的结果,因为After Effects只用少数的CPU核心计数。

In fact, the X-series CPUs are around 6-20% slower than the Intel Core i9 9900K, depending on which model you choose. With this in mind however, a big advantage of the Intel X-series CPUs is that they support up to 128GB of RAM! This advantage doesn't effect our benchmark because our projects are too small (anyone want to donate a larger project?) to take advantage of the larger amount of memory. However, If your projects tend to be very complex and you rely on RAM Preview caching, then you may want to use an X-series CPU to get the higher RAM capacity.

紧接着Intel 9th Gen,是最近新出的Intel X系列。X-series CPUs相比Intel Core i9 9900K慢6-20%,取决于使用哪个X-series CPU,X-series CPU的优点是他们能最大支持128GB的RAM, Intel 9th Gen CPU只能最大支持64GB的RAM,这个并没有在测试结果中显示,如果你需要更高的RAM内存去做更复杂的工作,就可以选择X-series CPU

The iMac Pro 14 core, AMD Threadripper, and AMD Ryzen 2700X are all 25% slower than the Intel Core i9 9900K. The Mac Pro which is about 40% slower than the i9 9900K.

在Intel X-series are下面,是the iMac Pro 14 core, AMD Threadripper, and AMD Ryzen 2700X,他们都比Intel Core i9 9900K慢约25%,在每个表格的最后一栏是Mac Pro,比 i9 9900K慢约40%,所以配置 i9 9900K的电脑差不多比价格较高的Mac Pro快两倍。

Our Conclusion for the Intel vs AMD vs Mac After Effects CC 2019 Benchmark

Intel's 9th Gen CPUs are currently the kings of Ae. The Intel X-series are anywhere from 6-20% slower than the i9 9900K, but will be better for those of you who have massive models and projects.

在After Effects CC 2019中,Intel 9th Gen CPUs 与i9 9900K是目前最快的处理器,Intel X-series紧随其后,相比i9 9900K慢约6-20%,取决于使用哪个Intel X-series CPU, 尽管如此,Intel X-series CPU比Intel 9th Gen CPUs支持更高的RAM内存。

In this benchmark, AMD workstations fell short and even at a lower price, the performance gap between the cheaper Intel i5 9th gen and the AMD chips mean buying a workstation for Ae will have to be Intel based this year. The iMac Pro and Mac Pro are all well behind an Intel-based PC. The iMac Pro will cost 2 times as much as an i9-9900K workstation and be more than 20% slower!

相比英特尔的CPU,AMD暂时落后。如果你要找表现最好或性价比高的,适合After Effects的,推荐使用英特尔CPU,相对配置i9 9900K 的电脑,iMac Pro and Mac Pro的表现比较弱。在测试中,iMac Pro 14 core相对慢约20%,但价格约是两倍高。即使使用X-series CPU,iMac Pro依然相对慢约15%,但价格约高25%。