
Wikitongues Seeks to Save World’s Dying Languages




1) Experts say there are about 6,500 languages spoken throughout the world. But the United Nations estimates that about half of these languages are in danger of disappearing.


2)The U.N. cultural agency, or UNESCO, lists languages it considers endangered on its Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger. UNESCO collects information on the languages and then increases efforts meant to prevent them from dying out.


3)One non-profit organization seeking to save world languages is a New York-based group called Wikitongues. Officials from Wikitongues say the organization has a simple goal: to provide the tools and support that people need to save their languages.


4)Daniel Bogre Udell is the co-founder of Wikitongues. He told VOA that when a language disappears, many other things can go away as well. For example, parts of a community's culture, knowledge and identity can also be lost.

维基世界语的联合创始人Daniel Bogre Udell跟VOA说:当一种语言消失,好多其他的东西也随之消失了。比如说,该群体的文化、知识、群体识别性也没有了。

5)Because of this, Udell believes the process of bringing languages back must be done by community members themselves, "from the ground up," he said.

鉴于此,Daniel Bogre Udell认为:复兴这些语言的事情必须由社群内部成员来做,“从源头上复兴”。

6)”There is no way an outside organization can save someone's language for them.” “外来组织挽救别人自己的语言,这是不可能的。”(我们提供工具和支持)

How it works 维基世界语如何运作?

7)Wikitongues was launched in 2016 as an open internet collection of world languages. The self-described "community" is operated by volunteers from around the world. The collection is in the form of language videos that people add to the Wikitongues website.


8)Wikitongues says that, even with the internet's wide reach, less than 1 percent of all languages are actively represented online.


9)There are currently more than 400 languages and dialects represented on Wikitongues' YouTube channel. Some, like English, Farsi and Mandarin, are spoken by hundreds of millions of people.


(Farsi [ˈfɑ:si:] 波斯语,属于印欧语系—伊朗语族—西支,是伊朗和塔吉克斯坦的官方语言 ,也是阿富汗斯坦境内两种主要语言之一(另一种是普什图语)。波斯语还分布于中亚其他地区,波斯语在塔吉克斯坦称为“塔吉克语”。全世界使用波斯语的人口约有1亿。)

10)Others are more uncommon. Bora, for example, is spoken by only a few thousand people in the Amazon regions of Peru and Colombia.


11)Udell says more than 1,500 people from 70 different countries have added videos to the system. 70多个不同国家1500多人在我们网站上上传了视频。

12)”We have people from India who record dozens of languages, which is beyond their own," he said.


be beyond sb:(informal) to be impossible for sb to imagine, understand or do


13)”We have another volunteer from Scotland who is one of the last speakers of a variety of Scottish dialects," Udell added. "He's in the process of reclaiming them, revitalizing, and building a dictionary for them.” 还有一个苏格兰的志愿者,他是苏格兰众多方言最后一批会说的人之一,他正在想办法让这种语言恢复使用、重新焕发活力,还在为这种语言编写字典。

14)Udell says there are many examples of languages that disappeared but later returned to use. "Hebrew went extinct in the 4th century BC, and was revived in the 1800s. Now once again, it's the mother tongue of half of the world's Jewish population."

维基世界语的联合创始人Daniel Bogre Udell说:也有很多语言原本消失了,后来又恢复了使用。“希伯来语公元前4世纪的时候就灭绝了,19世纪的时候复兴了,现在它是世界上半数犹太人的母语。”
