
小胖游学 无限空间 前天

作者James 梁,一个在美国学习、生活的15岁孩子。

今天我来介绍一个在美国已有二十五年历史的慈善活动: “圣诞儿童行动”(俗称“鞋盒礼物”),这是由美国教会发起、组织的依靠成千上万的志愿者每年圣诞节前募集和分发邮寄数百万的鞋盒礼物给全世界贫困儿童作为圣诞礼物的慈善活动。


Today I'd like to introduce a has 25 years history of charity in the United States: "Christmas children action" (commonly known as "gift box"), which is initiated by the American church, organizations rely on every year tens of thousands of volunteers collect and distribute mail millions of shoe before Christmas gifts for poor children around the world as a Christmas gift of charity activities. These volunteers play many roles in the whole activity. Some of them introduce the activity to the public every November. Have a plenty of to familiar friend or stranger collect shoe box gift (basically be all sorts of study things, small toy, daily necessities to wait with filling a shoe box to be restricted); What is more, I went to the shoebox base to take apart, inspect and repackage the shoes. The charity has a beautiful goal: to bring Santa's gifts to needy children all over the world.

在十一月三十日晚上六点我和我的朋友们也参与到了这个活动的最后一个环节中。当我们来到位于 Fullerton的鞋盒基地后就被分到了第22组,在这个组里我们又被分工在了不同的岗位上。



At six o 'clock in the evening of November 30th, my friends and I also took part in the last part of the activity. When we arrived at the shoebox base in Fullerton, we were divided into group 22, in which we were divided into different positions. Some people are responsible for opening the box to check if they have any money with them. Some are responsible for checking whether the gifts inside conform to hygiene and safety requirements; Some of them are repackaged; Finally, someone will be responsible for putting all these boxes into a big box, and then affix a seal and deliver it to the designated place. In the beginning, I was responsible for putting shoeboxes into boxes and required that every 16 shoeboxes should be put into a box neatly. Later, I was transferred to the position of checking the gift box of shoes. During the inspection, I found that the most expensive gift was a pair of brand new NIKE sneakers. But we've heard that other groups have actually found caring people with envelopes containing up to $600 in cash. Tonight, through the efficiency of our assembly line, after four hours of work, 25 teams in the whole factory completed the packaging of more than 3,000 shoe boxes. At the same time, I also obtained the certificate of four-hour volunteers.



Below, I would like to briefly introduce the volunteer system of American students. As is known to all, American volunteer education starts from childhood: primary school students can distribute newspapers to their neighbors and take care of pets for others. Junior high school students can go to various social service organizations -- museums, libraries, and the Red Cross to provide services within their ability. The content of high school students' volunteer services has increased. They can provide poor families with services such as doing housework, looking after children or the elderly, painting rooms and going to performances and competition venues to check tickets, guide seats and send materials. Students get a certificate after they finish volunteering. "Good faith" is a very important moral character in the United States, cannot lie, do not make perjury is the "bottom line" that American children know from an early age, so do not have to worry about credentials will be tampered with.



In the United States, only high school students have clear requirements for volunteers: whether high school students can obtain the graduation certificate or not, in addition to the credit and grade requirements, they must also serve the society for 60 hours free of charge, and each 20 hours of work can be counted as one credit. High schools incorporate community service into their students' compulsory curriculum and introduce volunteer opportunities to their students. Therefore, weekends and holidays have become good opportunities for high school students to do volunteer work. We can be seen everywhere in hospitals, rehabilitation centers for the disabled and activity centers for the elderly. I am pleased to report that in ninth grade last year I completed 64 hours of volunteer work recognized by the school. The following is the certificate of merit that I participated in the volunteer work in YIA (dynamic youth) organization from September 2017 to July 2008. Since the volunteer work time in summer vacation was included here, it reached nearly 74 hours. If you are an American student, you are eligible to receive a presidential award.


It is understood that the vast majority of medical universities in the United States (master) enrollment has clear provisions: if the student who applies for admission has not done a certain number of hours of volunteer work in the hospital or pension institutions, no matter how good your grades, will not be considered. Because the school believes that medical students should first have the spirit of dedication and service to others. According to statistics, half of the americans spend about 100 hours a year doing volunteer work on average, which is equivalent to 150 million people in the United States who do volunteer work for one hour every three to four days. Many Americans believe that "the responsibility to serve begins with the individual, not the government."


Xiao pang reminds you that if you want to further your study in the United States, you might as well spare some time, put down your books, put down your cell phone and computer, and do a few hours of volunteer work.

