《Me有文化》第四期:xx肉鹼 & 減肥藥:“躺瘦”的希望之光?!

大家好,今天我們來聊聊“減肥產品”,分享兩個有代表性的:左旋肉鹼 & 奧利司他。






Padwal RS, Rucker D, Li SK, Curioni C, LauDCW. Long-term pharmacotherapy for obesity and overweight. Cochrane Database ofSystematic Reviews 2003, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD004094. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD004094.pub2.








































奧利司他的副作用也非常“可觀”。會引發胃腸道的不良反應包括脂肪性腹瀉(steatorrhea, oily, loose stools)等,同時也有報道表明服用奧利司他會影響脂溶性維生素的吸收





附:全文英文版(English version)


L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative that's often taken as a supplement.

It is used for weight loss and may have an impact on brain function.

However, popular claims about supplements do not always match up with the science.

This article examines the potential risks and benefits of L-carnitine supplements and explains how this nutrient functions in your body.

What is L-Carnitine?

L-carnitine is a nutrient and dietary supplement.

It plays a crucial role in the production of energy by transporting fatty acids into your cells' mitochondria.

The mitochondria act as engines within your cells, burning these fats to create usable energy.

Your body can produce L-carnitine out of the amino acids lysine and methionine.

For your body to produce it in sufficient amounts, you also need plenty of vitamin C.

In addition to the L-carnitine produced in your body, you can also obtain small amounts by eating animal products like meat or fish.

Vegans or people with certain genetic issues may be unable to produce or obtain enough. This makes L-carnitine aconditionally essential nutrient.

Role in your body

L-carnitine's main role in your body involves mitochondrial function and energy production.

In cells, it helps transport fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they can be burned for energy.

About 98% of your L-carnitine stores are contained in your muscles, along with trace amounts in your liver and blood.

L-carnitine may help increase mitochondrial function, which plays a key role in disease and healthy aging.

Newer research illustrates the potential benefits of carnitine's different forms, which may be used for various conditions, including heart and brain diseases.

Does it aid weight loss?

In theory, using L-carnitine as a weight loss supplement makes sense.

Since L-carnitine helps move more fatty acids into your cells to be burned for energy, you might think this would increase your ability to burn fat and lose weight.

However, the human body is extremely complex, and the results of both human and animal studies are mixed.

In an eight-week study in 38 women who exercised four times per week, there was no difference in weight loss between those who took L-carnitine and those who did not.

What's more, five of the participants taking L-carnitine experienced nausea or diarrhea.

Another human study monitored L-carnitine's effect on fat burning during a 90-minute stationary bicycle workout. Four weeks of taking supplements did not increase fat burning.

However, one analysis of nine studies — mostly in obese individuals or older adults — found that people lost an average of 2.9 pounds (1.3 kg) more weight while taking L-carnitine.

More research is needed to confirm the benefits of L-carnitine in a younger, more active population.

While it may aid in weight loss for obese individuals or older adults, a thorough diet and exercise regimen must be in place first.

What is Orlistat ?

Orlistat is the over-the-counter version of apharmaceutical weight loss drug called orlistat.

This drug was first approved by the FDA in 1999. It is usually prescribed for long-term obesity management, alongside alow-fat, calorie-restricted diet.

How does Orlistat work?

Orlistat works by preventing the body from absorbing dietary fat.

Specifically, it blocks an enzyme in thegut called lipase.

Lipase is essential to the digestion of the fats we eat. It helps break down fats into free fatty acids that can be picked up by the body.

Without this enzyme, dietary fat bypasses digestion and is then expelled from the body.

As a lipase-inhibitor, Orlistat has been shown to reduce the absorption of dietary fat by about 30%.

Because dietary fat is high in calories, this leads to fewer calories being processed by the body, which can lead to weight loss.

Orlistat can help you lose small amounts of weight

Several large human studies have been conducted on orlistat, the active compound in Alli diet pills.

The most well-known is the Swedish XENDOS study, which included 3,305 overweight individuals and lasted for 4 years.

There were two groups in the study. Onetook 120 mg of Orlistat, three times daily, while the other group took aplacebo.

All participants were instructed to eat 800 fewer calories per day, and limit dietary fat to 30% of calories. They were also encouraged to go for walks every day.

Do Orlistat work? An evidence-based review

Orlistat works by preventing the body from absorbing dietary fat.

Specifically, it blocks an enzyme in the gut called lipase. Lipase is essential to the digestion of the fats we eat. It helps break down fats into free fatty acids that can be picked up by the body.

Without this enzyme, dietary fat bypasses digestion and is then expelled from the body.

As a lipase-in hibitor, Orlistat has been shown to reduce the absorption of dietary fat by about 30%. Because dietary fat is high in calories, this leads to fewer calories being processed by the body, which can lead to weight loss.

Orlistat interrupts the digestion of dietary fats and blocks about 30% offat from being absorbed. This leads to an overall reduction in calorie intake.

Orlistat Can Help You Lose Small Amounts of Weight. Several large human studies have been conducted on Orlistat, the active compound in Alli diet pills.

The most well-known is the Swedish XENDOS study, which included 3,305 overweight individuals and lasted for 4 years.

There were two groups in the study. One took 120 mg of Orlistat, three times daily, while the other group took aplacebo.

All participants were instructed to eat 800 fewer calories per day, and limit dietary fat to 30% of calories. They were also encouraged to go for walks every day.

During the first year, the average weight loss in the orlistat-treated group was 23.3 pounds (10.6 kg), while the place bogroup lost only 13.6 pounds (6.2 kg).

According to this study, Orlistat combined with diet and exercise may make you lose almost twice as much weight as dietand exercise alone.

Side effects, dosage and how to use

Orlistat diet pills do have somewell-documented side effects that are worth noting.

As they block fat absorption, the presenceof undigested fat in the bowel can cause digestive symptoms, such as abdominalpain, diarrhea and flatulence.

Some people also experience fecal incontinence and loose, oily stools.

Continued use of Orlistat can also impairthe absorption of fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K. For this reason, taking a multivitamin along with treatment is recommended.

Orlistat may also interfere with the absorption of some medications, and a few cases of liver failure and kidney toxicity have been reported.

People who are taking medications or have any sort of medical condition should consult with their doctor before taking Orlistatdiet pills.

Based on the limited long-term data available, most clinical guidelines recommend that Orlistat is not used continuously for more than 24 months. The optimal dosage used in the studies is 120 mg, three times per day.