

The price of Shoushan Stone has been rising in recent years. However, the identification method of Shoushan Stone has been neglected by collectors, so that fake products can be bought at a high price. Therefore, several identification methods of Shoushan Stone are summarized here for your reference. At the same time, it is suggested that both beginners and senior people should carefully understand the identification methods of Shoushan Stone and wipe their eyes before they can buy it.


Shoushan stone identification methods first look at the texture, the sense of the eyes (to observe the texture of the stone surface and interior), the feeling of the upper hand (to feel the texture of the surface), the feeling of the upper hand (to feel heavy drop, such as water pit, old pit stone feel heavy), the feeling of knife carving (difficult to eat knife, smooth or not, astringent resistance, etc.); Smooth knife.


The second aspect of Shoushan stone identification method is texture, including texture, cracks (cracks are obvious or not obvious cracks, lattices are inherent dividing lines or lines of the stone itself). Most Shoushan stones have lattices. Some of them have beautiful textures, such as the radish silk pattern of litchi cave stone, the wavy texture of big mountain stone, the colorful patches of Shanxiu Garden and so on.


The third way to distinguish Shoushan stone is technique. The ancient Shoushan stone carvings mostly use concise techniques. The modern Shoushan stone carvings mostly use fine high relief, flower-through carvings and round carvings. Usually, a skilled sculptor has a unique ability in "applying skills according to his aptitude". He will make full use of stone, stone shape, stone color and stone grain to determine the corresponding theme and shape, and apply various traditional techniques comprehensively.


The fourth aspect of Shoushan stone identification method is the knife method. The technique of Shoushan stone carving is embodied by the knife method of carrying knives. These methods include simple knife, simple knife, thick knife and Xiu Ling's sword. If careless sculpture, flower and bird sculpture, mostly use the elegant knife method; if the figure round sculpture, ancient animal printing button and other sculptures are mostly used the simple and lush knife method, it is suitable for collectors to play in their hands, without stabbing hands, and has another interest.


After a thorough understanding of the identification methods of Shoushan stone, I also hope that collectors will pay attention to the creativity, rarity, popularity, age and market conditions of Shoushan jade when buying, so as to make a more comprehensive and reasonable evaluation of a work. Relevant experts also suggest that we should not be on the spur of the moment or desperate to learn to collect rationally.


[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民国名瓷、现代毛瓷及大师精品瓷器,紫砂壶。

[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、现代玉、翡翠、田黄、鸡血石、陨石、化石。

[字画] 历代名人名家书画、现当代书画、各派系名家字画。

[杂项] 古籍善本、金银铜器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。

[家具] 明清各种质料的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黄花梨及金丝楠木等贵重资料为主。

Collect project:

Ceramic ancient porcelain, yuan Ming porcelain, coating of the republic of China, master modern wool porcelain and fine China, are recommended.

Jade gao, the Ming and qing dynasties, modern jade, jade jade, tian, bloodstone.

Calligraphy and painting all previous dynasties celebrity virtuosi calligraphy and painting, modern and contemporary painting and calligraphy, factions virtuosi calligraphy and painting.

Miscellaneous ancient rare books, gold and silver, strange stone, bronze vessels, four articles, the Buddha.

Furniture all kinds of hardwood furniture in the Ming and qing dynasties, with red sandalwood, hainan chrysanthemum pear, gold-rimmed nanmu rare materials, etc.