
​走近百大冠軍第276期Donna Murphy(IFBB WPD PRO):我認為這是確定你的備賽是否成功的四個要素。Determining if a contest prep was successful.

第一,你比上次進步了,如果不是身體上的,那至少心理上你學到了一些新東西。You improved from last time, if not physically,at least mentally- You learned something new.

第二,你沒有犧牲你長遠的健康。You didn't sacrifice your longterm health.

第三,你沒有犧牲人生中重要的人際關係。You didn't sacrifice meaningful relationships in your life.

第四,你喜歡這個過程。You enjoyed the process.

如果你比賽名次很好,這是加分項。Bonus points if you place well.

如果你比賽名次好,但是沒有包括以上四點,那麼你的備賽算成功了嗎?If you place well but don't meet the above criteria,was it really a successful prep?