职场术语:Submit my resignation

Submit my resignation


With great reluctance(很不情愿地)和 submit my resignation(递交辞呈)了解一下,当然,好聚好散嘛,邮件里也可以提及一下自己的离职理由和对公司的感激之情!

With great reluctance, I am submitting my resignation.(我很不情愿地递交我的辞呈。)

As I mentioned during our discussion yesterday, I could not pass up the opportunities and financial benefits presented by the offer.(如我们昨天所讨论的那样,我无法拒绝那个聘用通知所描述的机会以及经济利益。)


Dear Peter,It is with much reluctance and regret that I submit my resignation, effective August 3, 2018. Meanwhile, I will gladly help in training my replacement. I wish to thank you for guidance you have given me over the years.Sincerely,Steve(我很不愿意递交我的辞呈,感谢多年来你给我的指导。)