Pictures of the year: Space丨2018年度最佳太空图片出炉

Pictures of the year: Space

Editor's note: Reuters' photographers shot some of the most striking space pictures of 2018. Here are the best space pictures of the year.




An orange hue envelops the Earth, known as "airglow", a phenomenon that occurs when ultraviolet radiation hits molecules in the atmosphere and creates a band of light that reaches 50 to 400 miles high, in this image taken on board the International Space Station (ISS), on Oct 7, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]


7月11日,正在国际空间站工作的NASA宇航员Ricky Arnold在马达加斯加上空250英里处轨道上拍摄了一张照片,照片中本应郁郁葱葱已生息千年的林地变得斑驳稀少,取而代之的是大片裸露在外的红色土地,就像渗出血液,看上去触目惊心。

仔细观察图片,可以在中心附近看到一颗闪闪发光的年轻恒星。哈勃研究小组表示,“这是Herschel 36,它通过吹走一些气体形成周围的云层,形成密集且密度较低的区域。”ESA的哈勃站点将泻湖星云描述为一个宽度为55光年和高度为20光年的“庞然大物”,距离地球约4000光年。


Snow from the previous winter melts into slush on Canada's Lowell Glacier, in this false-color satellite image showing frozen (light blue), meltwater (dark blue), rocks (brown) and vegetation (green) and the progression of rapid snow melt in the Kluane National Park in the Yukon Territory, Canada, on July 26, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

前一个冬天的雪融化成加拿大的洛厄尔冰川,在这张卫星图像中显示出了冰冻(浅蓝色),融水(深蓝色),岩石(棕色)和植被(绿色)以及融雪的进展。 2018年7月26日,加拿大育空地区的Kluane国家公园。


2018年2月28日讯,《自然》杂志发布了一张关于宇宙时间轴的照片,美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的研究人员最近发现,在大爆炸后的1.8亿年后,出现了第一批恒星。


A globular cluster of stars known as NGC 1898 is seen in this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) to show near-infrared to ultraviolet wavelengths, and the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) to show near-infrared to near-ultraviolet wavelengths, obtained on Nov 16, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

在哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的这张照片中可以看到一个称为NGC 1898的球状星团。


2018年10月24日,索米国家极地轨道伙伴卫星(Suomi NPP)上搭载的可见红外成像辐射计套件(VIIRS),捕捉了这张美国西弗吉尼亚山区的照片。这张夜间图像拍摄于凌晨2点左右,当时,雾气已经在坎伯兰山脉的许多山谷间弥漫开来。

The Cat's Paw Nebula, a star-forming region in the Milky Way galaxy so named because it resembles a feline footprint, is seen in this image compiled from data from the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and the Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) aboard the infrared Spitzer Space Telescope, obtained on Nov 16, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

Cat's Paw Nebula是银河系中的恒星形成区域,因其类似猫科动物的足迹而得名。

A cross-section of a thick sheet of underground ice is exposed at the steep slope that appears bright blue in this enhanced-color view of Mars from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in this image released on Jan 11, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]


An artist's conception shows donut-shaped magnetic fields that trap dust and feed material into the supermassive black hole of the galaxy Cygnus A, with jets launching from its center, based on recent observations from the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) in this image obtained on Nov 16, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

艺术家描绘的天鹅座A核心的插图,展示了尘埃云形状的场景,以及从中心发射的直流,磁场将尘埃云困在里面。研究人员利用机载平流层红外天文观测台(SOFIA),研究了7.57亿光年之外的射电星系天鹅座A (Cygnus A)。

English Source:

Translated and Edited by: Zhouyang
