


Two wrongs don't make a right. 以牙還牙是不可取的。That clock is wrong. 那個時鐘不準。She got in with the wrong crowd at university. 她上大學時結交了一群狐朋狗友。You've got your skirt on the wrong way round. 你把裙子穿反了。You've got it all wrong! 你完全理解錯了!He has no sense of right and wrong. 他沒有什麼是非感。He has done us a great wrong. 他極大地冤枉了我們。

catch sb on the wrong foot令(某人)措手不及

I hadn't expected the question and it caught me on the wrong foot.


get the wrong end of the stick 誤解

Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got the wrong end of the stick.


get/fall into the wrong hands落到危險分子(或敵人)手裡

If this kind of information fell into the wrong hands, we would be in serious trouble.


don't get me wrong 別誤會

Don't get me wrong - I'd love to come, but I'm too busy next week.


be barking up the wrong tree 找錯了原因;用錯了方法

She thinks it'll solve the problem, but I think she's barking up the wrong tree.


fall into the wrong hands落入敵手;陷入敵人的控制中

There are fears that the weapons might fall into the wrong hands.


back the wrong horse 下錯了賭注;看錯人;作了錯誤的決策

In all his years as a book publisher, he rarely backed the wrong horse.


get on the right/wrong side of sb (討某人)喜歡/令(某人)厭惡

As a teenager, Clare was always getting on the wrong side of her mother.


on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc. 看起來比某一年齡小/大

She looks to me as if she's on the wrong side of 50.
