
走近百大冠军158期Nicole (NPC Bikini overall champX2):你相信吗?自从我开始参加健美比赛已经快两年了。Can you believe it 's almost been 2 years since l've started competing?

时光飞逝!有些事情我希望在我第一次参加比赛前就该知道——比赛时鞋跟不应该那么不舒服,脚趾也不应该飞出来。Time flies! Things I wish I would known prior to my first competition - competition heels should not be that uncomfortable nor should your toes be spilling out.

让饭菜变得有新意是没问题的。低温真空慢煮,是唯一用来处理鸡胸肉的方法。It's ok to get creative with your meals - sous vide chicken is the only way to eat chicken breast .

不要担心 refeeds增加卡路里(如果有人说别,那不是世界末日)。don' t be afraid to ask for refeeds (if they say no,it' s not the end of the world).

携带棉条,你永远不知道什么时候来MC(它发生在我的3个秀,包括我的第一个秀)。Bring tampons, you never know when you 'll start your period (it' s happened on 3 of my shows, including my first).

在踏上舞台之前来点软糖,嘚瑟是必须的。Sour patch kids before stepping on stage - Duck walking is a must.

我仍遗漏了些东西——为了这个秀我做了很多研究。I still forget sometimes. - I did a lot of research leading up to the show.

我看了很多视频,读了很多文章。在很大程度上,我已经蓄势待发!I watched a lot of videos and read a lot of articles. For the most part, I was pretty prepared!