

[01:22.03]The One With the Thumb 六人行 第1季 第03集 飛來橫財

[02:12.71]How does it feel knowing you're about to die? 知道自己不久人世有何感受?

[02:15.85]Warden,in five minutes my pain will be over. 華頓,我的痛苦將在五分鐘內消除

[02:19.35]But you'll live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die. 但你得承受埋葬一個老實人的痛苦

[02:25.39]That was really good! 表演得真好是嗎?

[02:27.83]Thanks. Let's keep going. 謝了,咱們繼續吧

[02:29.69]So,what do you want from me,Dimon? Huh? 好,你要我怎麼做,迪默?

[02:36.13]I just wanna go back to my cell, because in my cell I can smoke. 我只想回到我的牢房內 因為這樣我才可以抽菸

[02:40.37]Smoke away! 你就在這裡抽吧

[02:55.32]I think this is why Dimon smokes in his cell alone. 我想這就是迪默自己一個在牢房裡抽菸的原因

[02:59.82]- What? - Relax your hand. - 什麼 - 手放輕鬆

[03:02.13]Let your wrist go. 手腕自然點

[03:04.13]Not so much! 別太過火!

[03:07.13]All right. Now take a puff. 好的,現在吐口煙

[03:10.-2]Right. 就是這樣

[03:13.64]- Give it to me. - I'm not giving you a cigarette. - 給我來 - 不,我不能給你煙

[03:17.-1]It's fine. Do you want to get this part or not? Here. 無所謂的,你到底想不想演這個角色?來

[03:21.08]Now,don't think of it as a cigarette. 看著,別把它當成香菸

[03:24.28]Think of it as the thing that has been missing from your hand. 把它當成是你想念多時的東西

[03:29.09]When you hold it, you feel right. 夾著它你感到自在

[03:31.69]You feel complete. 讓你感到滿足

[03:33.42]- You miss it? - No,not so much. - 你很想它? - 沒那麼嚴重

[03:37.40]All right. Now we smoke. 好吧,抽菸

[03:42.60]Oh,my God! 噢,爽呀!

[03:45.94]- Give me that! - No. You've got options. - 把它給我 - 不,你有幾種選擇

[03:48.04]You can smoke like this: 你可以像這樣抽菸

[03:49.84]- Chandler - Or hold it in your mouth. - 錢德 - 或者只是把它叼在嘴裡

[03:52.28]Give me the cigarette! 把煙給我

[03:53.88]- You try. - Thank you. - 你來試試. - 謝謝

[03:55.58]Okay,how's this? 感覺怎麼樣?

[04:00.35]Okay,that's not bad. 還不壞

[04:02.79]All right,when you're finished, it's cool if you flick it. 好的,當你結束的時候, 彈掉它會顯得很酷

[04:08.73]All right,you keep practicing.. 就這樣,不斷練習

[04:12.10]and I'll go put out the sofa. 我去撲滅著火的沙發

[04:18.67]I thought it was foot size. 我認為一個人腳的大小

[04:21.11]No. It's the distance from the tip of a guy's thumb.. 不,是和他拇指尖到食指尖…

[04:25.14]to the tip of his index finger. 的距離相同的

[04:33.12]That's ridiculous. 這太荒謬了

[04:36.42]Can I use either thumb? 隨便哪個姆指都行?

[04:39.59]I'd rather go with the foot theory. 我寧可和腳長理論相伴

[04:42.03]All right. Don't tell me. 別告訴我…

[04:45.73]Decaf cappuccino for Joey. 無咖啡因卡布其諾,是喬依的

[04:50.60]Coffee,black. 純咖啡

[04:53.27]Latte. 拿鐵

[04:56.61]And an iced tea. 和冰茶

[04:58.61]- I'm getting good at this. - Excellent! - 我進步神速 - 不錯

[05:01.85]Good for me! 我真行

[05:17.03]- You okay,Phoebe? - It's not worth - 菲此,你沒事吧 - 我還好

[05:19.86]It's my bank. 我的銀行

[05:21.57]- What did they do? - It's nothing 他們對你怎麼了?

[05:24.04]I get my mail and open their monthly "statement." 我看我的信件時 看見他們的每月通知

[05:27.87]Easy! 別激動

[05:31.34]And there's $500 extra in my account. 我的戶頭多了五百元

[05:34.71]Satan's minions at work again! 撒旦的奴才又開始活躍了

[05:38.22]Now I have to go deal with them 沒錯,因為我得到銀行找他們處理

[05:40.89]- What are you talking about? Keep it! - It's not mine. - 別傻了,留著自己用吧 - 這些錢不是我的

[05:45.09]If I kept it,I'd be stealing. 我留下來就如同偷竊

[05:47.13]But if you spent it, it would be like shopping. 如果你拿來花就如同購物

[05:52.73]Say I bought a great pair of shoes. 好吧,就比方說我買了一雙很棒的鞋

[05:55.53]Know what I'd hear with every step? "Not mine. Not mine. Not mine." 你們知道我每踏出一步都會聽到什麼嗎? “不是我的…不是我的…不是我的…”

[06:00.71]Even if I was happy and skipping,I'd hear: 即使我再快樂再雀躍都會聽到

[06:04.18]"Not-not mine. Not-not mine." “不是我的…不是我的…”

[06:07.11]We're with you. We got it. 知道你的意思了

[06:10.01]I'd never be able to enjoy it. It'd be this giant karmic debt. 我無法享受非份之財的樂趣 這就像是業報一樣

[06:14.29]Chandler,what are you doing? 錢德,你在幹什麼?

[06:16.89]What are you doing? 你在幹什麼?

[06:21.26]Oh,gross! 噢,真惡劣!

[06:24.30]- What is this? - I'm smoking! - 這是什麼 - 我在抽菸…

[06:27.03]You've been so good for three years! 你這三年來一直表現良好

[06:29.77]And this is my reward. 這是我的獎勵

[06:33.67]Think about what you went through when you quit. 等等,想想你戒菸後是怎麼活過來的

[06:37.08]Forget about you. Think about what we went through! 就算忘了你自己,至少想想我們是怎麼過來的

[06:40.85]So this time I won't quit. 所以這一次我不再戒了

[06:43.28]- Put it out! - I'm putting it out! - 熄掉… - 好吧,我熄掉就是

[06:47.-1]Oh,no! 噢,不!

[06:48.55]I can't drink this now. 拜託,我現在喝不了它了

[06:54.93]I'm gonna go. I've got a date. 我要去換衣服了,我有個約會

[06:57.20]With Alan again? How's it going? 又是亞倫?進展得如何?

[06:59.86]It's going pretty good. It's nice and we're having fun. 進展的還不錯.我們在一起很開心

[07:04.20]When do we get to meet him? 我們何時能見到他?

[07:06.27]Let's see,it's Monday.. 今天是星期一…

[07:08.34]- Never. - Come on! - 永遠別想… - 不要這樣嘛

[07:10.21]Not after what happened with Steve. 不,不要再來像史提夫那次的事…

[07:12.54]What do you mean? We love Steve. Steve was sexy! 你在說什麼?我們都愛史提夫 史提夫很性感

[07:20.12]Sorry. 抱歉

[07:21.32]I don't know how I feel yet. Let me figure it out. 我連自己對他有何感覺都還不知道 給我一點時間想清楚

[07:24.59]Then can we meet him? 這麼說我們可以見他羅?

[07:26.62]No. 不行

[07:27.83]Sorry. 抱歉

[07:31.86]Joey. Let it go. 喬伊.放過它吧

[07:38.74]Why should they meet him? 我為何要讓他們見他?

[07:40.47]I bring a guy home and they're like.. 我帶他回去後,他們就像

[07:43.74]coyotes picking off the weak members of the herd. 就像郊狼一樣找弱者下手

[07:47.88]Listen,as someone who's seen more than her share of bad beef.. 聽著,不愉快的場面我見多了

[07:52.48]I'll tell you, that is not such a terrible thing. 告訴你這並不是一件壞事

[07:56.49]Your friends are just looking after you. 你的朋友他們只是關心你

[07:59.19]I wish that once I'd date a guy they liked. 我只希望帶一個 他們真正喜歡的男人回家

[08:02.73]You realize the odds of that happening are slimmer.. 你知道的,他的機會會更渺茫的…

[08:06.53]- if they never get to meet the guy. - I know. - 如果他們根本就沒見過這小夥 - 這個我知道

[08:10.30]- Can't I whimper a little bit? - Whimper. - 能讓我小聲的哭一下嗎? - 哭

[08:15.47]Okay,I'm done. 不要這樣子

[08:18.78]Let it go,Ross. 羅斯,讓它去吧!

[08:20.75]You didn't know Chi-Chi. 你又不瞭解芝芝

[08:26.55]- Do you all promise? - We promise. - 你們都保證? - 對,我們保證

[08:29.55]We'll be good. 我們會很乖的

[08:30.79]Chandler,do you promise to be good? 錢德,你保證會很乖?

[08:41.50]You can come in,but your filter-tip buddy stays outside! 你可以進來了,但是 你的菸屁股朋友得呆在外面

[08:55.35]"Dear Ms. Buffay. Thank you for calling. 親愛的巴菲小姐 謝謝你提醒我們的錯誤

[08:58.65]We've credited you $500. We're sorry for the inconvenience.. 我們已將五百元存入你的戶頭 造成不便之處請多包涵

[09:03.09]and hope you'll accept this football phone.. 請接受此足球電話…

[09:09.26]as our gift." Do you believe it? 做為禮物 你們相信嗎?

[09:11.63]Now I have $ 1000 and a football phone. 現在我多了一千元和一個足球電話

[09:16.40]What bank is this? 這是哪家銀行?

[09:19.67]Okay,it's him. 他來了

[09:23.37]- Who is it? - Alan. - 這位是誰啊? - 亞倫

[09:24.78]Chandler! He's here! 錢德,他來了

[09:29.61]Do I look okay? 我看起來怎麼樣?

[09:31.38]One more button. 最好再扣上一顆釦子

[09:33.02]Closed! How about closed? -我是說扣上!扣上怎麼樣?

[09:36.00]- I didn't know. - Yeah. - 我不太清楚 - 好吧

[09:39.32]Please be good. 拜託,別亂來

[09:41.26]Remember how much you all like me? 記得你們有多麼愛我

[09:45.63]Alan,this is everybody. Everybody,this is Alan. 亞倫,這是大家 各位,他是亞倫

[09:54.-2]I've heard so much about all you guys. 我對各位已如雷灌耳

[10:04.05]I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks. 謝謝,我明天再打電話給你

[10:10.62]Let's let the Alan-bashing begin. 開始攻擊亞倫吧

[10:14.00]Who's gonna take the first shot? 誰先開始?

[10:17.73]Come on! 來呀

[10:19.93]I'll go. 我來

[10:24.-2]Let's start with how he kept picking 我們就從他不停剔牙開始

[10:26.54]I'm sorry,I can't do this. We loved him. 抱歉,我辦不到.我們愛他

[10:30.04]We loved him! 我們愛他

[10:32.11]Wait! We're talking about someone I'm going out with? 等等,我們談的是我約會的對象嗎?

[10:36.05]That pimento trick! 那個辣椒的小把戲

[10:37.72]I'll never look at an olive the same way again. 我絕不會再這樣看橄欖了

[10:41.22]And did you notice? 你們都有注意到?

[10:47.89]Know what was great? His smile was crooked. 知道他什麼最棒嗎? 他的微笑有點邪邪的

[10:51.10]- Yes! Like the man in the shoe! - What shoe? 對,就像是鞋裡的男人 - 什麼鞋?

[10:56.40]From the rhyme. 童謠裡的

[10:58.04]There was a man With a crooked smile 有個駝背的人有著扭曲的微笑

[11:00.10]Who lived in a shoe For a while 他住在鞋子裡,有一陣子

[11:06.18]So I think Alan.. 我想亞倫…

[11:08.65]is the yardstick by which future boyfriends will be measured. 將成為日後男友被丈量的標準

[11:13.02]Future boyfriends? 什麼日後男友?

[11:14.42]- I think this could be "it." - Really? - 不,我想他就是了 - 真的呀?

[11:17.89]I'd marry him for his David Hasselhoff impression alone. 光憑他學海灘遊俠的樣子 我就想嫁給他了

[11:22.-3]You know I'll be doing that at parties. 你知道嘛,我也要在派對上這麼做

[11:28.40]- Know what I like most? - What? - 知道我最喜歡他哪一點? - 哪一點?

[11:31.74]The way he makes me feel about myself. 他改變我看待自己的方式

[11:57.26]How was the game? 比賽如何?

[11:59.53]Well.. 怎麼說呢

[12:01.20]We won! 我們贏啦

[12:04.64]Fantastic! Question. How is that possible? 神奇!提問:這怎麼可能呢?

[12:08.44]- Alan. - He was unbelievable! - 亞倫 - 他真是太不可思議了

[12:10.91]Like the cartoon where Bugs Bunny plays every position. 他就像兔寶寶一樣守每個位置

[12:14.81]It was first base,Alan. Second base,Alan.. 但我們有一壘手亞倫、二壘手亞倫…

[12:22.45]It was like he made us into a team. 他使我們形成一個團隊

[12:25.49]We sure showed those Hasidic jewelers a thing or two about softball. 對,我們讓對手見識到什麼叫壘球

[12:31.53]Can I ask a question? 能問你們一個問題嗎?

[12:33.60]Do you think Alan is sometimes.. 你是否曾感覺亞倫有時…

[12:36.13]What? 有時怎樣?

[12:37.33]I don't know. A little too "Alan"? 我說不上來,太亞倫了

[12:40.17]Oh,no. Not possible. You can never be too "Alan." 不,不可能 你不可能太過於“亞倫”

[12:43.91]It's his innate "Alan-ness" that we adore. 沒錯我們欣賞的是亞倫的內在

[12:48.91]I,personally,could have a gallon of Alan. 我…一個人可以喝下一加侖的亞倫

[12:59.36]- Hey,Lizzy. - Hey,weird girl. - 嘿,露西 - 嘿,古怪女孩

[13:02.76]- I brought alphabet soup. - Pick out the vowels? - 我帶字母湯來給你 - 你挑出有元音了嗎?

[13:05.43]I left in the Y's. Because,"sometimes Y." 但我把“Y”留下來了 因為有時你會用的上,“Why”(音同Y)

[13:09.77]- And something else. - Saltines? - 我還帶了其他東西給你 - 鹹餅乾嗎?

[13:12.34]No,$1000 and a football phone. 但願你喜歡一千元和足球電話

[13:15.37]What? 什麼?

[13:17.68]Oh,my God! 天啊

[13:19.54]- There's really money in here. - I know. - 這裡真的有錢 - 這我知道

[13:22.48]What are you doing? 你在幹什麼?

[13:24.38]I want you to have it. I don't want it. 我要給你,我不想要

[13:28.22]- I have to give you something. - No,you don't - 不,我得拿東西給你 - 不用了

[13:31.52]- Do you want my tinfoil hat? - No,you need that. - 你要我的錫箔紙帽帽嗎? - 不要,因為你需要

[13:35.33]- It's okay. Thanks. - Let me do something. - 不用了,謝謝 - 求你,讓我表示我的謝意

[13:39.60]I'll tell you what. Buy me a soda and we're even. Okay? 這樣吧,你請我喝汽水就扯平了

[13:44.60]- Okay. - Okay. - 好吧 - 好吧

[14:47.73]Keep the change. 不用找了

[14:49.93]Thanks,Lizzy. 謝謝你,莉茲

[14:51.17]Want a pretzel? 你真的不要椒鹽捲餅?

[14:52.60]- No,I'm fine. Thanks. - See you. - 不,不用了 - 再見

[15:03.55]A thumb? 一個拇指?

[15:07.05]I know. There it was, just floating.. 我知道.我打開時它就浮在裡面

[15:10.32]like this tiny little hitchhiker. 像個搭便車的

[15:14.69]Maybe it's a contest. Like "collect all five." 或者這是一場競賽,比如集滿五個有獎?

[15:20.-3]- Does anyone wanna see? - No,thanks! - 你們想看看嗎? - 不用了,謝謝

[15:24.70]Don't do that. Come on! 別那樣,拜託

[15:26.50]It's worse than the thumb. 這比姆指還糟糕

[15:30.41]- This is so unfair. - Why is it unfair? - 這不公平 - 為何不公平?

[15:33.41]So I have a flaw! Big deal! 我有缺點行嗎?了不起

[15:36.41]Joey's knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? 喬依常扳指關節就不惹人厭?

[15:39.25]Ross,over-pronouncing every word. 羅斯把每個音發得太清楚

[15:41.62]Monica,who snorts when she laughs. I mean,what the hell is that thing? 摩妮卡大笑時的鼻音 搞什麼嘛

[15:48.19]I accept those flaws. Why can't you accept me for this? 我接受大家所有的缺點 為何大家就不肯接受我的呢?

[15:58.70]Does the knuckle-cracking bother everybody,or just him? 扳指關節會惹人厭嗎?還是隻是他比較煩

[16:05.78]I could live without it. 沒有它我也能活的下去

[16:10.41]Is it a little annoying? Or is it like when Phoebe chews her hair? 我覺得有點點煩? 感覺就和看到菲此咬她的頭髮時一樣?

[16:18.02]Don't listen to him. I think it's endearing. 菲此,別介意 我覺得那樣很可愛

[16:21.36]Oh,you do,do you? 真的?是嗎?

[16:29.80]There's nothing wrong with speaking correctly. 咬字清晰又不犯法

[16:33.34]Indeed there isn't. 沒錯

[16:38.11]I should get back to work. 我該回去工作了

[16:40.04]Otherwise someone might get what they ordered. 否則有人就會拿錯他們點的東西

[16:45.88]The hair comes out and the gloves come off. 頭髮冒了出來,手套滑落下來 (全都發洩出來了)

[17:04.27]Ever go out with a guy your friends really like? 你曾和一個你朋友都喜歡的男人約會嗎?

[17:08.24]No. 沒有

[17:12.34]I'm going out with a guy my friends really like. 我在和一個我朋友都喜歡的男人約會

[17:15.81]Are we talking about the coyotes here? 我們在談郊狼嗎?

[17:19.05]All right! A cow got through. 一頭牛居然全身而退

[17:23.59]Can you believe it? 你能相信嗎?

[17:25.06]It's just,you know what? 就像是,你知道嗎…

[17:26.92]I just don't feel the "thing." 我毫無感覺

[17:29.93]They feel the thing. I don't feel it. 而他們卻有感覺.我毫無感覺

[17:32.76]Honey,you should always feel the thing. 你應該要有感覺

[17:40.20]If that's how you feel about the guy, dump him. 如果對他沒感覺,就把他甩了

[17:43.81]- It's gonna be really hard. - He'll get over it. - 我知道,但很難 - 沒錯,但他是大人了,他會熬過去的

[17:47.44]No,he'll be fine. It's the other five I'm worried about. 不,他沒事.我擔心的是其他五人

[17:52.75]- Don't you respect your body? - Don't you see what you're doing? - 難道你不尊重你的身體嗎? - 你難道不明白自己自己在做什麼嗎?

[17:57.02]I've had it with your cancer, emphysema and heart disease. 還有你們的癌症肺氣腫和心臟病

[18:01.36]The bottom line is,smoking is cool, and you know it. 至少抽菸很酷,這點你們也很清楚

[18:09.10]Alan wants to speak to you. 錢德,亞倫找你

[18:11.10]Really? He does? 真的,他找我?

[18:14.24]Hey,buddy! What's up? 老兄,什麼事?

[18:18.38]She told you about that,huh? 她告訴你了?

[18:21.31]Well,yeah. I have one now and then. Well,yeah,now. 對,我偶爾會犯煙癮 對,現在

[18:26.35]It's not that 沒那麼糟

[18:30.19]Well,that's true. 這倒是真的

[18:34.46]Gee,you know,no one's ever put it like that before. 天啊,沒人這麼說過

[18:38.86]Well,okay. Thanks. 好的,謝謝

[18:51.28]God,he's good. 天啊,他真神

[18:54.11]- If only he were a woman. - Yeah. - 如果他是個女人,那該有多好 - 是的啊

[19:03.02]Lamb Chop! 小羊排!

[19:04.42]How old is that sock? 那襪子到底有多舊了?

[19:07.93]If I had a sock on my hand for 30 years,it'd be talking too. 如果我手上戴著襪子三十年 它也會開始說話

[19:14.13]I think it's time to change somebody's nicotine patch. 有人該換尼古丁貼片了

[19:22.24]- Where's Joey? - Joey ate my last stick of gum.. - 喬依在哪兒? - 喬依吃了我的最後一片口香糖

[19:25.24]so I killed him. 所以我就把他殺了

[19:27.78]Do you think that was wrong? 你認為這樣不對嗎?

[19:31.42]- I think he's across the hall. - Thanks. - 我想他在對面 - 謝謝

[19:34.69]There you go. 好啦

[19:37.15]I'm alive with pleasure now. 我又重拾快樂的生活

[19:40.26]Phoebe,do you want the rest of that Pop-Tart? 菲此,你還想吃那個嗎?

[19:45.23]Does anyone want the rest of this Pop-Tart? 誰想吃剩下的?

[19:49.60]Hey,I might. 我要

[19:51.77]I'm sorry. 抱歉

[19:54.04]The soda people gave me $7000 for the thumb. 汽水公司那些笨蛋 給我七千元當姆指的補償金

[19:59.88]And on my way over here I stepped in gum. 天啊,七千元別鬧了 我回家路上又踩到口香糖

[20:03.78]What is up with the universe? 這世界到底怎麼了?

[20:06.22]- What's going on? - It's just nice when we're together. - 怎麼啦? - 只是覺得大夥兒在一起很溫馨

[20:10.52]It's nicer when everyone gets to wear underwear. 如果大家都有穿內褲會更好

[20:24.30]Please,guys,we have to talk. 大家,我有話要說

[20:26.64]Wait! I'm getting a deja vu. 等等,我有似曾相識的感覺

[20:29.57]No,I'm not. 不,好像沒有

[20:33.48]- We have to talk. - There it is! - 好吧,我們需要談談. - 瞧,來了

[20:39.15]Okay,it's about Alan. 是有關亞倫的事

[20:41.15]Speaking of which,tell him we're on for the Renaissance Fair. 關於什麼,告訴他文藝復興已經開始了

[20:45.89]Before you get into that, there's something you should know. 在此之前,有件事應該讓你們知道

[20:50.76]There's really no easy way to say this. 真的很難啟齒

[20:55.90]I've decided to break up with Alan. 我決定和亞倫分手

[21:02.77]Is there somebody else? 有第三者?

[21:07.34]No,it's just.. 沒有

[21:09.45]you know,things change. People change. 只是世事難料,人都會變

[21:12.58]We didn't change. 我們沒變

[21:17.19]So that's it? It's over? 就這樣?結束了?

[21:20.76]Just like that? 就這樣結束了

[21:24.00]You let your guard down. You start to care about someone,and.. 放下防禦,真心對待一個人…

[21:32.27]- I can go on pretending - Okay! - 我可以繼續偽裝… - 可以啊

[21:34.64]No. 不

[21:35.91]That wouldn't be fair to me,Alan, or to you. 這樣對我不公平,對亞倫也不公平 對你們大家都不公平

[21:39.24]Well,who wants fair? 是嗎?誰要公平?

[21:41.45]I just want things back,you know, the way they were. 我只想要回失去的,回到往日

[21:47.62]- I'm sorry. - Oh,she's sorry. I feel better. - 我很抱歉 - 她說抱歉,我舒坦多了

[21:53.09]I can't believe this! 我真是不敢相信

[21:54.83]With the holidays coming up. I wanted him to meet my family. 連續假期就要來臨了 我要帶他去見我的家人

[22:00.73]I'll meet someone. There'll be other Alans. 我會找到新歡的,另一個亞倫

[22:03.83]Yeah,right! 是呀,另一個

[22:09.84]- Are you guys gonna be okay? - We'll be fine. - 你們不會有事吧? - 我們會好的

[22:13.61]We're just gonna need a little time. 我們只是需要一點時間

[22:17.15]I understand. 我瞭解

[22:24.02]- Wow. - I'm really sorry. - Wow - 我真的很抱歉

[22:26.69]Yeah,I mean,I'm sorry too. 我也很抱歉

[22:30.03]- But I'm a little relieved. - Relieved? - 我有點鬆口氣了 - 鬆了一口氣?

[22:33.56]Yeah,well,I mean, I had a great time with you. 對,我是說我和你在一起很開心

[22:37.77]I just can't stand your friends. 只是我受不了你朋友

[22:46.48]Remember when we went to Central Park and rented boats? 記得我們到中央公園划船嗎?

[22:51.92]That was fun. 沒錯,那很有趣

[22:55.15]He could row like a Viking. 他劃得就像維京人一樣

[23:06.46]So how'd it go? 情況如何?

[23:09.33]You know. 你知道的

[23:11.27]Did he mention us? 他有提到我們嗎?

[23:17.67]He says he's really gonna miss you guys. 他說他會想念你們的

[23:27.08]- Rough day,huh? - You have no idea. - 悲慘的一天? - 你無法體會

[23:29.82]Come here. 過來寶貝

[23:34.73]- That's it. I'm getting cigarettes. - No! - No! - 我受夠了,我要抽菸 - 不行…

[23:37.46]I don't care! I'm weak! 我管不了那麼多了,我投降,我是懦夫

[23:40.-3]I've gotta have the smoke! 我要抽菸

[23:42.07]If you never smoke again, I'll give you $7000. 如果你不再抽菸我就給你七千塊

[23:46.-2]Yeah,all right. 好吧,沒問題


1.walked me home 陪我走回家

walk sb to sp. 陪某人走到某地

2.since when ? 從什麼時候開始的?

3.cell 牢房 在美國也可以表示手機,即cell phone的簡稱,英國人用mobile phone.or mobile.

4.take a puff 抽一口(煙) 也可以說take a drag

5.I am not giving you a cigarette。


比如說:No, i am definitely not eating this crap.


或者 I am not sleeping tonight. 我今晚不睡覺了。


6.flick 彈 比如:flick someone 用手指彈某人

7.put out the sofa 把沙發上的火熄滅 put out有撲滅的意思

8.index finger 食指

9.i'd rather go with the foot theory.

go with有支持或者傾向於的意思,I'll go with his idea.我支持他的觀點。

10.Easy! 淡定!

11.We're with you. 我們支持你。

be with sb除了表示身體在某人身邊,還可以表示思想上在某人身邊,也就是支持。

12.gross = disgusting 噁心的

13.I don't even know 我甚至不知道。

重點是很多學生喜歡翻譯成I even don't know. 注意英文中的‘甚至’放在否定詞後面。

He didn't even take a look at her. 他甚至看都沒看她一眼

14.the odds of 表示。。。的可能性

15.whimper 嗚咽

16.I'm done. 有表示我結束的意思。

比如你完成什麼工作等,可以說I'm done. 這時可以等於i am finished.

17.Let it go. 放手把,都是浮雲。

18.yardstick 碼尺

19.play every position 打每一個位置,運動術語

What positon does yao ming play ? 姚明打什麼位置啊?


20.we are even. 我們扯平了

even有公平的意思,let's call it even.我們這樣就算扯平了吧的意思。

21.keep the change 不用找了,給小費時說的話。

22.hitchhiker 搭便車的人

23.Big deal! 了不起啊!(加上鄙視的語氣)

A:That guy is Li Gang's son. B: Big deal!


24.feel the thing 有感覺。

25.he'll get over it 他會抗過去的。

get over sth一般指度過某困難事情,忘記某事或某人

He'll get over her.他會忘記她的。

26.the bottom line is.. 底線是。。。

27.speaking of which


比如:A: i saw Peter last night. He was doing great.

B: oh, speaking of which, when is he coming to visit us ?

28.break up with sb 與某人分手

we've broken up.我們已經分手了。

同義詞組:split up.

29.let your guard down 放鬆警惕

30.stand sb/sth 忍受某人/某事

i can't stand him 我真受不了他了

同義詞:bear,tolerate,put up with