

Story of Bill Russell’s Jersey Retirement:”Auerbach inquired about retiring his #6. Russell [initially] refused...he had lingering unease about the city. Russell was adored by fans during games, but he said that afterward [they] would verbally abuse him. He said ‘Boston was a flea market of racism’”

[–]76ersgoodboy12 232 指標 7小時前

He had his jersey retired in a closed ceremony because he disliked the Boston fan base so much. I doubt he “adored” any part of the Boston fans.


[–]CavaliersProlapse_leakage 101 指標 6小時前

It says the fans adored him not the other way around.


[–]LakersTheGreat_BillHussell 122 指標 6小時前

It's not his fault, he's from philly. He can't read.


[–]talanted_o 62 指標 5小時前

Boston fans literally broke into his house and took a shit on his bed. Like that's so wild to me. They went from cheering for him winning a game to deciding to shit were he literally sleeps


[–]LakersSomeGuyInSanJoseCa 777 指標 7小時前

I dream of a world where hate is not defined by skin color, but by jersey color.


[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantmisterplinkett 207 指標 6小時前

Fuck green!


[–]Knickshigher_please 61 指標 6小時前

until you get to the nets, then it becomes awkward


[–]Raptorspleasefeedthedino 48 指標 6小時前

I'm not jerseyist but most Lakers fans are entitled crybabies. You seem cool though.



[–]LakersFuckU_nited 50 指標 6小時前

Im not jerseyist either. I love purple jerseys... just not your purple jerseys.



[–]RareWar 330 指標 7小時前

Many athletes playing in their national teams in Europe, whose parents were born elsewhere, said they are considered foreigners when they lose and considered patriots when they win. But in this case, it's seems to be much worse. Bill Russell deserves so much respect


[–]Trail Blazers_Quetzalcoatlus_ 197 指標 7小時前

Perfect example from Thanasis Antetokounmpo

I saw a comment on Facebook, where someone said ‘they are not Greek’ and I met the same guy in Glyfada and he came with his child and told me ‘you all make Greeks proud abroad, bravo.’ I simply put his kid on my shoulders and took a picture and I told him ‘You made your kid’s day, it was his best day yet.’”



[–][CLE] Cedi OsmanJCBDoesGaming 129 指標 5小時前

This is pretty much a thing here in Europe, it is also a thing that I envy when it comes to the US. You aren’t Turkish, Greek or whatever, you are Turkish-American or Greek-American.


Hell I was born and raised in the Netherlands to Turkish parents, I love this country, I love Turkey, but I always feel like I don’t get accepted here because the moment I do something wrong I’m a Turk. If I do something right, I’m Dutch because I was born and raised here.


People don’t really understand how hard that is on a person, you feel ostracized in both countries. They call me a Dutchmen in Turkey and call me Turkish dude in the Netherlands, you get a feeling that you don’t belong.


[–][GSW] Klay Thompsonpetepanda125 59 指標 4小時前

It was frustrating to see this happen to the French national team after the WC


[–][CHA] Robert ParishBignova 33 指標 6小時前

One prime example in another sport that I know of is Mario Balotelli and playing for the Italy national team. Even when he does well for Italy many people don't accept him cause they don't think hes "Italian Blood" honestly its sad people can think this way.


[–][GSW] JaVale McGeeashwinr136 144 指標 7小時前

Thats fucked. Cheering someone on in a game but trying to bring him down afterwards.


[–]Trail Blazers_Quetzalcoatlus_ 114 指標 7小時前

Unfortunately, it's not that uncommon in the south where college football is the most popular sport. I've known players who played in the SEC and said they were cheered on Saturdays but faced racism from the same groups of people outside the game.


[–]WarriorsThe_Void_Reaver 77 指標 6小時前

To them Football is just a minstrel show where their big black men go out and try to beat other state's group of big black men. Once they're not playing football they're just black men who are large and therefore more intimidating and more deserving of your verbal ire.


[–]NetsLanaRhoades- 88 指標 7小時前

Racism is fucked, and racists are idiots, like i seriously don't get skin color making you judge a person differently and actually hate them, it's such a weird concept


[–]WildYams 22 指標 6小時前

It's not hard to see why because apparently not much has changed in Boston. Just last year Boston fans were hurling racist eptithets at Baltimore Orioles player Adam Jones at a game in Fenway. And of course there have been the many incidents where Boston fans have use racial slurs towards black hockey players online.



其實這事也不奇怪,因為在波士頓一直都是這副鳥樣子,基本沒什麼改觀。就在去年,芬威球場的一群波士頓的球迷就朝巴爾的摩金鶯隊球員Adam Jones喊過一些種族歧視性質的外號。而且不出意料的是,波士頓人還經常還在網上用種族歧視性質的侮辱性質詞彙罵過黑人冰球運動員,諸如此類的事件數不勝數。

[–]Celticswhyenn 55 指標 4小時前

Man, he said that one fan did that- which is one fan too many- but he also said he appreciated how the entire stadium of Sox Fans gave him a standing ovation the next time he came through out of our embarrassment and shame for how that one guy treated him.

To sat that "nothing has changed" in Boston from the 50s and 60s is pretty far from the truth.

凱爾特人球迷:Adam Jones說,那是一個球迷乾的。確實,一個球迷也是不可接受的。不過,在文中Adam Jones自己也說了,後來紅襪隊的球迷們在他再次進場時給予他非常熱烈的起立歡呼,波士頓紅襪隊的大部分球迷為那個種族主義球迷的行為感到羞恥,這讓Adam Jones很感激。說波士頓的種族歧視自從五六十年代以來就"毫無改觀"完全不是真相啊。

[–]CelticsFuckYeahDrugs 39 指標 4小時前

Uh, the Boston bussing protests lasted until basically the early 1990s. Don't pretend our city has been a shining beacon of integration.


[–]CelticsCaptainGronk69 52 指標 5小時前*

Saying not much has changed in Boston is such bullshit just because something racist happened again. Racism will unfortunately always be around in the world, but saying no progress has been made since the 60’s is so untrue and a slap in the face to the progress Russell himself has made.

凱爾特人球迷:不能因為又有新的種族歧視事件發生就說波士頓毫無改觀啊,這完全是放屁。很不幸的是,如今種族歧視在全世界到處都是,但你要說這種現象自從六十年代以來毫無改觀就不對了, 這是在打拉塞爾老爺子的臉啊,他為改善種族歧視現象也做出了貢獻的啊。

[–]CelticsFuckYeahDrugs 19 指標 4小時前

We had fucking riots and protests from 1975-1985 over mixing and integrating the Boston public school system. Boston hasn't been close to a progressive city until this newest generation of people born later than '85 or so.

凱爾特人球迷:拜託,我們在1975-1985這十年間有過多少關於合併波士頓公立學校體系的抗議和 遊 行 甚至騷亂啊?還用我幫你數嗎?波士頓從來就不是一個社會理念先進的城市,直到85後這一批新生代出生。

[–]Heatairus92 178 指標 7小時前

Can't be a thread about Boston racism without Bostonians making excuses.


[–]RaptorsKawhiGotUsNow 119 指標 6小時前

‘But other places are racist too!!’

First thing people from Boston say

