
蘇州環球教育老師認為在托福考試中,考生們不僅僅要思考文本的詞意層面,因為託福聽力和閱讀部分的幾種理解問題並不是基於詞彙層面的文本含義考察(not literal);這些問題就是推斷題(Inference question)。推斷題要求考生猜測(make guesses),預判(predictions)或者根據聽力和閱讀文本信息中未明確總結的信息給出總結(draw conclusions)。


1.factual information not stated directly


What information can you guess based on what you have heard or read?

What conclusions can you draw?

2.The speaker/author's purpose


Why is the speaker/author making this statement?

What does the speaker/author want the listener/reader to do?

3.The speaker/author's attitudes or beliefs


How does the speaker/author feel about the situation?

Does the speaker /author believe something is true or false?

How certain is the speaker/author?


1.語境context(誰?who the people are ?在哪裡?where they are?發生了什麼?what is happening?)

2.詞彙選擇word choice(說話人/作者選擇使用哪些詞?Which words the speaker/author chooses to use?)

3.(Listening only)語調和重讀 Intonation and tone of voice (how a speaker say something)

舉例:e.g. TPO 22 L 4 before that, organs could mimic a number of instruments replace live orchestras --Q33- 推斷題- 關鍵詞-organ

-(教授重讀 one)ONE musician to play an organ- 因此,強調音樂人( musicians) 因為只需要一個人演奏organ,工作機會減少

語境 context- musicians 的工作機會

詞彙選擇word choice - one musician to play

語調和重度intonation and tone -ONE

What does the professor imply about the use of organs to accompany silent films?

A.The audience preferred organ music over other types of music

B.Organs were too expensive for many theater owners.

C.It delayed the introduction of recorded music in theaters.

D.It led to a loss of employment for many musicians.