


On Monday, people picking up a copy of The New York Post would have realized the New York City tabloid had a different look from the usual. The paper featured a wrap-around ad for fashion brand Supreme, the first time The Post had premiered such an advertisement for any brand.

1994年创立的Supreme是有名的街头服饰品牌。每次发售新品前,其在纽约的旗舰店大门口都排起长队,产品几个小时内就会卖光。Supreme在洛杉矶、东京和伦敦也开设分店,同样吸引大批粉丝。Supreme与很多大品牌的联名款也是畅销品,合作伙伴包括但不限于Fila、Nike、The North Face和Levis等。

Supreme, which opened in 1994, has become the ne plus ultra of street wear brands, famously selling out its new collections — or “drops” — within hours and drawing huge lines at its flagship store in New York’s SoHo neighborhood. The company has satellite shops in Los Angeles, Tokyo and London, too, which attract comparable crowds. And it has also drawn attention for notable collaborations, with Fila, Nike, The North Face and Levis.


Supreme fans quickly snatched up the paper at newsstands and bodegas across the city.

《纽约邮报》的出版人Jesse Angelo接受《纽约时报》采访时表示,这些“联名”报纸很快就售卖一空。

Jesse Angelo, The Post's publisher, told the New York Times that Monday's papers "were flying off the shelves."


Some bodega and deli owners near Supreme’s flagship Soho store said they were sold out by 7:30 a.m.




Typically, a copy of the New York Post costs $1.50. But, this potential collectors' item is selling for much more. A number of eBay listings were selling the newspaper for between $7 and $20. As of noon ET, one eBay seller had already sold 31 copies for $19.99 a copy.




其实早在4月下旬,Supreme就找到了《纽约邮报》,希望能提供一个“原创的、前所未有的创意”。 该报成立5年的创意部门Post Studios接下了这一任务。

Supreme approached The Post in late April asking for “original, never-before-seen, creative ideas.” The newspaper’s 5-year-old in-house creative strategy agency, Post Studios, proposed the wraparound.



“We just thought it was a really cool, fun idea,” says Angelo. “If it brings new consumers to our brand, hopefully they read the paper and like what they see. But even if they just follow @nypost on Instagram, that’s cool, too. ”


综合来源:界面新闻、Business Insider、New York Post、New York Times、The Cut