
提到英国料理,你脑海中是不是已经闪现出诸如“仰望星空”一类的经(黑)典(暗)名(料)菜(理)?不过平心而论,除了这些硬货,腐国最常见的炸鱼薯条(fish and chips)才是接受度更高的那一个。最近,有家英国的小馆子,就因为炸鱼薯条火了。




Chinese visitors seeking to sample British tradition usually flock straight to stately homes and royal palaces. But one unlikely stop-off has now joined the ranks of must-see locations for tourists from China – a chippy just outside York.


Scotts fish and chip restaurant has become so popular with coachloads of Chinese tourists that it has translated its menu into Cantonese and Mandarin. It has even put its web page on China's blogging site Weibo.

店主Tony Webster表示,每周都有100多名中国游客慕名而来,他们在约克、霍华德城堡以及其他历史景点游览后,会来到店里休息用餐,也作为他们体验不列颠文化的一部分。当然,中国游客总是会不停地自拍。

Owner Tony Webster says he gets more than 100 Chinese visitors a week, who take a break from visiting York, Castle Howard and other historic sites to dine – and take countless selfies – as part of their cultural experience of Britain.


“They stick to eating cod and chips, but like to take pictures of our desserts. They do love vinegar and they are always happy and finish their meals.”


“They generally want hot water because they bring their own Chinese tea, and it's generally tea leaves rather than tea bags,”he added.

经理Roxy Vasai则表示中国游客“面带笑容、友善又高兴”。

Manager Roxy Vasai said the Chinese visitors are 'smiley, friendly and happy'.



The stop was added to the route after a popstar got married nearby. Popular musician Jay Chou, nicknamed the ‘New King of Asian Pop’, married model Hannah Quinlivan in 2015 and held their wedding reception at North Yorkshire, stately home, Castle Howard.

当然,小店本身的地理位置也很不错,当地营销公司Make It York的大使Will Zhuang就表示,很多中国的旅行服务机构都会把“炸鱼薯条体验”活动安排到英国之行中。“很多中国旅游团都会去伦敦、剑桥,然后就到约克,这家小店就在前往约克的A64公路上,是大巴歇脚的理想位置。”

Will Zhuang, ambassador for promotional company Make It York, said many Chinese tour operators had added the ‘fish and chip experience’ to their stop offs. He said: "Most of the Chinese tour groups will visit London, Cambridge and then to York and on their way to York they will pass the A64, so this is an ideal location for the coach to park up."


York is already a popular destination for tourists from East Asia, with China estimated to be the city's second largest overseas market.


综合来源:中国日报网、BBC、Metro、Daily Mail