

Lisa Brennan-Jobs gives unprecedented detail about the troubled relationship with her late father Steve Jobs in her new memoir, Small Fry.

麗莎·布倫南 ·喬布斯在她的新回憶錄《Small Fry》中首次披露了與已故父親史蒂夫·喬布斯的糟糕關係的細節。

'You smell like a toilet.' The cruel dig Steve Jobs made to his daughter as he lay dying of cancer.


Lisa was born in 1978 after Jobs had a five-year relationship with her mother Chrisann Brennan which ended when she became pregnant.

在喬布斯和Chrisann Brennan結婚五年後,她懷孕了,於1978生下麗莎。

The 40-year-old reveals how her billionaire father once told her 'you're getting nothing' when she asked to have his Porsche after he was done with it.


'Did he mean about the car, something else, bigger? I didn't know. His voice hurt - sharp, in my chest,' Lisa writes.


She also tells how Jobs refused to admit that he named the Lisa Macintosh computer after her when she asked, and that he only came clean years later.

她還說,當她問起 Lisa Macintosh 電腦是不是以她的名字命名的,喬布斯是如何否認的,他幾年後才承認。

Chrisann has also written about her tumultuous relationship with Jobs claiming that success turned him into a 'demon'.


