
Time is limited, too late to think about the people in my heart.时间有限,来不及去惦记心里没我的人。

Seeing you is the reason why I can be happy under any circumstances.见你是我任何情况下都能开心起来的理由。

When you can't get out of bed, you want to give up those life ideals. 起不来床的时候就很想放弃那些人生理想。

Perhaps the most important thing is not poetry and distance,It's you and tomorrow. 或许最重要的不是诗和远方,而是你和明天。

The people I like are also working hard to live up to my love. 我喜欢的人也在为了不辜负我的喜欢而努力。

Half of a man's life is spent fulfilling his desires.The other half covers up the desire. 人的一生 一半的时间在实现欲望,另一半的时间在掩盖欲望。

Change it if you can't accept; leave it if you can't change. 不能接受,那就改变;不能改变,那就离开。

Time flies and life is short. Don’t forget to stop to smell the flowers. 时光飞逝,人生苦短。别忘了驻足片刻闻花香。

Once the drama of life begins, however timid you may be, you must get to the end of the play. 人生这部大戏,一旦拉开序幕,不管你如何怯场,都得演到戏的结尾。

Enriching oneself is more powerful than pleasing others. 丰富自己比取悦他人更有力量。