
Are you always anxious? Do you worry about being a loser? Do you fret over whether you're behind the times or keeping up with your peers?


Here are some common causes of anxiety:


Money troubles 金钱


But living beyond your means is no recipe for happiness. Spending thousands of yuan you don't have on clothes, high-end housing and taking taxis to work every day will only land you in debt.

Age 年龄


It can be tempting to compare yourself to someone your age, or even younger, who is already rich and famous. But doing so will only lead to frustration.

Working relationships 工作关系

Some people are obsessed with expanding their social networks, being convinced that the more people they know, the brighter their future will be.


Being a parent 子女问题

Parents can often find that their mood fluctuates in line with their child's academic performance. If their son or daughter isn't doing so well at school, it can make the parent very anxious.
