

Zeestad and the municipality of Den Helder (Netherlands) today announced MVRDV as winners in the competition for a new public installation on the northern dike of the city of Den Helder. The jury praised the winning entry for demonstrating “an energetic spirit of the city is represented as an infinite form.” The new landmark represents the connection between city and sea. Completion is set for 2019.

▼SeaSaw作為登海爾德市的新地標,將在城市與海洋之間建立新的關聯,SeaSaw is a new symbol for Den Helder and establishes a renewed connection between the city and the sea


Den Helder is located on the northernmost point of Holland and is home to the country’s main naval base. The city’s unique location and heritage have made it a viewing point for the Marsdiep, North and Wadden Sea. MVRDV were selected as winners by Zeestad, an independent organisation in partnership with the municipality of Den Helder in the international competition to create a new symbol for the city to help it develop a sense of identity, and establish a renewed connection between the city and the sea which became more disconnected after a recent reinforcement of the dike.

▼通過在堤壩上修建觀景平臺,陸地與海洋形成了新的連接,a new connection is made between land and sea by creating a viewing platform on the dike

“SeaSaw是為登海爾德設計的一個顯著而起伏的公共藝術裝置,它回應了其所在的背景和歷史,同時真實地表現了海洋運動的無限狀態,”MVRDV聯合創始人Jacob van Rijs陳述道。“它在尊重既有堤壩的基礎上,使參觀者和居民能夠從一個嶄新而宏觀的角度去感受城市與海洋”。

“The SeaSaw for Den Helder is a memorable, undulating public art installation which responds to its context and history, whilst literally representing the dynamics of the sea in its infinite movement,” says Jacob van Rijs, co-founder, MVRDV. “The installation respects the existing dike whilst allowing visitors and inhabitants to experience both city and sea from a whole new perspective.”

▼參觀者可以朝兩個不同的方向在裝置上行走,Visitors can walk in either direction in this public art installation


The design responds to the current lack of a distinguishable symbol for Den Helder. A town with a remarkable flood defence system, a dike running from the dunes to the harbour blocks sea views. SeaSaw makes a new connection between land and water by creating a viewing platform on the dike, and by the sea. In this way, a relationship between Den Helder and the sea is formed. This new installation signals the start of renewal and rediscovery of the dike and its surroundings with a new landmark that matches the identity of Den Helder: tough and energetic.

▼一條長達5千米的人行道/自行車道/徒步道橫跨堤壩,連接了城市與海洋,a 5-km walking, cycling and hiking route is also introduced across the dike connecting the city to the sea


In addition to the design of SeaSaw, a scenic 5-km walking, cycling and hiking route is introduced across the dike to connect it better to both the city and sea. Activating the seafront, this weaving pathway invites visitors and resident to climb the dike and take a look at the other side. At the junction of these routes, SeaSaw is added in the form of an infinite loop that serves as a viewing platform towards the city and sea.

▼場地平面圖,site plan


MVRDV will work with IMD engineers and completion is set for 2019.


▼設計分析圖,design diagrams

Credits Location: Den Helder, The Netherlands

Year: 2018+

Client: Zeestad and the municipality of Den Helder

Budget: Undisclosed

Design: MVRDV – Winy Maas, Jacob Van Rijs and Nathalie De Vries

Design Team:

Jacob van Rijs, Stefan de Koning with Ronald Hoogeveen, Sanne van der Burgh, Geert Folmer, Stavros Gargaretas, Boudewijn Thomas, Mariya Gyaurova, Akshey Krishna Venkatesh, Afrodite Moustroufis, Angel Sanchez Navarro, Boris Tikvarski, Edina Peli, Kristin Schaefer, Katarzyna Nowak, Kevin Loftus, Luca Vacchini, Mirco Facchinelli and Meng Yang

Visualisation: Antonio Luca Coco, Tomaso Maschietti, Giovanni Coni and Kirill Emelianov


IMd Consulting engineers: ir. Pim Peters RO and ir. Sander Lamping